Friday, July 26, 2013

New blog....

I needed a change, I'd been "CrazyDays and CrazyNights" for far to long. I had lost the spark I need to want to post and I think part of it is that just got stale.

I'm going to really start working on posting more often and linking up with some of the awesome ladies that do IG Fridays, Weight loss check ins and other fun posts.

The one thing I hate about taking a long blog break is that the first couple posts always seem so awkward, like a big social "whats going on" dump.

Like hey, we got a beagle puppy!  Carson loved soccer! I enjoy working! Chris is still employed! Oliver loves dirt! I play co-ed grown up soccer!

Look now you are caught up. I've done a few cool things with the house that I would like to blog about, mostly because they are pretty awesome and fun, and partially because I actually followed through on something in a timely fashion (so I want my props!)

Let me know what you think of the new blog and the layout. It needs some tweaking but I think its actually pretty alright for not really a lot of effort tonight because I am exhausted and Carson just woke up soaked and had a bloody nose. So ya know...bed time.

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Works been busy and I've had to take a blogcation but I think that I am back. Blogging from my iPhone today, we've been working hard on the yard and house. I'm working today and then for my two days off I have big plans to get the garage in order (again) them tackle our walk in closet, then the boys. That's right we switched them together for sleeping and turned Carson's big room into a cool play room. If you follow me on Instagram you've seen what's been happening (@salenam)

This has been a crazy busy summer, and we've really done nothing, no fishing, no camping, no hiking and that's been bumming me out. Work stresses me out sometimes with my lack of down time. I do love that when I'm home, I'm truly home though. Mondays are spent gathering the troops and restocking the supplies. Then Monday nights I spend playing adult league soccer. Tuesdays are clean the house day and we have a play date with our amazing friends and then Carson goes to soccer.

Jenn over at "The Elsewhere" blog got me thinking about getting a once or twice a month house keeper to do all the deep cleaning stuff I fail at and Chris probably doesn't realize needs done. I have a consult on Tuesday to see how much it would cost for every other week cleaning . If we can tweak it and keep the cost fairly low I think it would really help my stress and anxiety over the house work. Just knowing my bathrooms are clean would be fantastic.

Follow my Instagram @salenam  for a more day to day look at our lives