Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thankful Thursday....

I'm working on doing more "Weekly Posts" let me know if these are a good idea, or if you'd rather see random content.

Anyway...This week I am Thankful for....

Filing my taxes so early, it means that I am going to get a new desktop computer sooner than planned and because my laptop is basically dead (Yeah its "usable" but its only a matter of time before it just won't work) I'm going to get a KindleFire HD 8.9.

I'm thankful that this weekend is the Super Bowl. Go Ravens :)

I'm thankful for getting to spend some quality time with my family last weekend.

I'm thankful for all my boys this week. Its been so grey outside I've been kind of blah but they've been good to me

I'm thankful for the good friends I do have. Yesterday's post was kind of depressing, about friendships ending and it really does remind me to focus on keeping the friendships I have alive. I love the friends in my life, whether they've been in my life a long time, or are just coming into my life.

I'm thankful for my readers. I have over 20k+ in page views and that makes me so happy and oddly giddy!

What are you thankful for? If you want to link up your thankful thursday posts, just post a link in the comments and I will come and read what you are thankful for! :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Reason, A Season, A Lifetime

Ever hear that saying? "Friendships are here for a reason, a season, or a lifetime" Now I believe friendships can be all 3. Coming and going, liquid. Some are definitely only for a reason or a season. But Lifers, they are all 3. Besides my husband and family I only have 2 people that have been constant in my life for a long time (5 years!)

M was my Made of Honor. We met in college, bonded over a dead baby pig. I'm actually shocked that M and I are friends, she pretty much rocked that class, and I pretty much rocked in the corner gagging. We've had our friendship ups and downs but over all I know that we will be friends for the long haul. We're very different, but I think thats what has kept us close. Even though she lives a million miles away doing TFA (Teach For America) We still talk on the regular.

A is another "lifer" of mine. We actually met on a "Set up" date though a mutual friend. He's one of the most amazing men I know and has always been a constant and great person to bounce ideas off of. Again even though he lives far away, we still talk on facebook and joke. Its funny, A didn't even know it was a set up until way after the fact and we were already best friends.

Then the friendships that last a season, they usually aren't worth mentioning. They come into your life, but then stay awhile and leave. These include random people you hang out with in college when your bored.

But the friendships that come in for a Reason, those are worth mentioning. These are the friends that come into your life either for a lifetime or a season, but they touch you (not in a dirty way.) They bring something to your life that was missing. These hurt the most when they only last a season. A "season" just ended with a friend that was most definitely for a reason.

Sorry if this post is depressing. I'm just mourning the loss of a friendship that grew apart.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Happy 300th Post to Myself....

Ah man had I realized that my 300th post was coming up I would have saved my vagina story for that and put something fluffy in for 299.  Oh well. My 500th post will just have to be crazy epic.  I hope something crazy will happen to top Vaginagate.

Anyway my 300th post is going to be about cloth diapers. Ugh I'm lame today. I filed taxes and shit so thats cool. But man I just am not "in it" today. I'm still in jammies and no bra. I dyed my hair last night and am excited to go shower during nap time and blow it out so I can actually see the color of it. Finally getting to a nice length which I love.

Anyway, back on topic. We have now been cloth diapering for over 2 weeks. Obviously I'm an expert by now (HAHA) Its amazing though how much better Olivers booty looks and its just so gosh darn cute. If you want to see fluffy butt pictures check me out on IG@SalenaM

I have a few still out in the mail that I am looking forward to getting so I can take inventory and take pictures.

What a lame 300th post.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hey Stranger, Wanna talk about my vagina?

So this gem of a story starts last night. I was changing the boys into their night night diapers and Carson starts going on about how he has a fishy (penis) and daddy has a fishy and Oliver has a fishy. This "stage" is just fantastic.  Any way he gets to me, and goes "Mommy does not have a fish. She has a coooo" Chris and I looked at eachother and I made the mistake.....of saying "I thought he was about to say Couch" and BAM. "Mama has a COUCH A CHOUCH A CHOUUUUUUUCH."


Fast forward to this morning, I'm getting in the shower (with the door closed) and in burst my intrusive sweet child. With pointing finger "Mama thats your couch!"

First of all, I don't think I have ever called it that. So I sat him down and told him that its not called a couch its called a vagina, like he has a penis but he can nickname it a fish, its still a penis.

Fast Forward some more. Inside Trader Joes we're walking and this happened.

Carson "Hey you, Guy in the black! (As he points to some random stranger) MY MOMMY HAS A VAGINA!!!"

Me? Well lets just say I wish the world would have opened up and swallowed me.

The man? Well luckily he was very flip and goes "Well she is a mommy, so I bet she does."    //dead//

So random stranger that knows about my vagina status.....Thanks for not being a dick about it.

Please some one make me feel better and share a story of your own child/dog/husband/friend/parent embarrassing you

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Former Lactavist

This is probably going to be weird, and jumbled. Sorry I'm a little tipsy. But this has been weighing on me.

With Carson I fought so hard to breast feed him. We struggled from the beginning and it was HARD. I was also "That" first time mom that obviously knows everything. I also thought MY was way the ONLY way. Honestly? I was an insufferable twat.  That being said I would fucking nurse my baby WHERE EVER I GODDAMNED PLEASED. I'm not kidding I was "that" lady with my tit out feeding my kid where ever. Because obviously that was my right. (I do not disagree that women shouldn't nurse where ever they please) I still totally support breast feeding and the rights to breast feed where ever your child needs. Same with pumping. The right to feed your kid is not in question.

Then I had Oliver, awesome little nurser and super easy to feed. Until he started biting. By 11 months we are weaning. I bought formula. Taught him to take a bottle and, I have to say its wonderful. I love having my boobs be mine again. I enjoyed this when I weaned Carson fully (at 17 months) I love nursing, I honestly think that most should try it. But my "self worth" in motherhood is not wrapped up in my ability to breastfeed. I've gotten a ton of  "Why don't you just stick it out and make it the year" Honestly? I just don't want to any more. He's our last kid most likely and I enjoy being "Me" not just "mommy"

Well people formula is not the devils. Its healthy and nutritious, giving my child a bottle for the last month of his "infancy" won't make him less awesome it just means I don't have titties that bleed (cause he's a BITER)

So there, a former lactavist stating that formula is actually GOOD for my family right now/.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

As Promised

A post of things in my home that make me smile. I'm obviously forgetting some things. Like my galvanized wash bin that holds blankets rolled up at the end of my couch, and the down stairs bathroom that makes it so much less awkward for guests.

Because at the apartment you either used the boys "kid" bathroom which hardly ever had toilet paper because, well toddlers. Or you got to go through our bedroom and use ours. Which almost always had a sink cluttered in stuff. Now its just a nice down stairs bathroom that is always clean, and always has toilet paper.

I love our "bar" and its a nice place to store my vintage film nikkormat from my dad.
Wine rack with glasses underneath is my favorite Christmas present.
This wall with the leather chairs, will be an amazing seafoam accent wall soon.
Chris' Birthday present. Matted and Framed "painting" of Portland city Skyline. Probably the thing we miss the most living in suburbia. 

I love walking up my stairs and seeing my photo wall. Complete with giant vintage clock.

Teal "painted" chair. It was so ugly when I found it at a thrift store for 5$
Door Headboard. Doorboard.  + Hand made Mr.Mrs. Pillows.
Teal Owl that holds the door open and the baby gate

Carson's Space. His guitar, his bed and his tent. 
The pictures with me in it? Yeah Carson took those with my nikon. Like my DSLR Nikon. Its not a light camera. I love Oliver's room. Its small(ish) but it fits him perfectly.
Also a fluffy picture because well, I love it!

But the things I love the most. Are right here in this picture. 

A little sleep and a promise....

I'm so excited awake today! I got a 4 hour stretch of sleep for the first time in months. I think the closest to sleeping through the night has been waking every 3 hours. So 4 was like magic! I woke up and didn't feel like chugging coffee straight from the pot. Oh no one else does that? Just me? Okaaaay.

I'm gonna make ya'll a little promise since we're coming up on living in the town house 3 months and I've done no pictures or posts mostly cause I'm lazy. Mostly cause I actually haven't gotten all the things I wanted to done yet. So the rest of this week I'm going to take pictures of all the things that make me happy in my home. We've gotten some projects done that really do make me smile when I look at them, like our stair way. I'm working on getting a really nice picture wall going because the white walls were driving me batty but no one wants to paint it (its 2 story vaulted)

I'm going to Ikea on Friday with our old neighbor and her friend and all the munchkins so that will be a really fun time. I need to get some things for Oliver's Forest room. :)

So grateful to finally feel human again!! Today when Oliver wakes up we're going to go on a power walk and try to get back in the groove of things.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday, Why you not Wednesday?

Night three of miserable sleep is not helping me fight this horrible cold sick bug that I've got going. I woke up saturday with a terrible headache that lasted all day. I honestly thought I was hung over from the two margaritas I downed at the bar for the hub's birthday party.  Well I was still "hung over" with stuffy nose on sunday...Then again on monday. The headache could very well be from lack of sleep. But the head cold part is all sickness that is not getting fought off because I'm getting less than 4 hours of sleep a night.

I have totally abandoned my NYE goal of running 500 miles in 2013. Not truly abandoned it but every day I can't run because of this crud and lack of sleep is 2 miles I have to tag on to another day. Which is fine, but its been a week (thanks to awful period from hell and then being sick) so I know it will be harder to get back in my groove. I'm planning on running a 5k in July and still planning on the warrior dash in september so I have those things to work for.

Also for the first time in 5 years I want to feel truly comfortable this summer in a bikini by the pool. I have never switched to a mom suit, always rocked a bikini even over weight. But never truly 100% comfortable with my body. So this year I'd really like to feel comfy by the pool.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Oh Sleep, you elusive girl you...

A few weeks ago Oliver went through a stage of not sleeping, it was coupled with pretty horrendous separation anxiety and it was rough. I was so tired, I am really one of those people that needs 6+ hours of sleep a night or I am pretty much non functioning.

We "reset" him with ferber and he was back to sleeping in 2-3 hours blocks again (yeah only 2-3 no STTN in this house) but it was better.

Well now we're on night to of 5+ hours of crying at night. I just don't know what to do with him. I'm so tired, I slept holding him in the rocking chair most of the night so my neck is tight, my arms hurt, and I think I have an ear infection. So yeah.....

Anyone else want to chime in with a story of their crappy sleeper? I really feel like all I see on FB and Social media is people excited their babies sleep through the night and its like "Okay good for you....let me just down my 5th cup of coffee"

Also today The Inauguration. I am so proud of the Obama family, I just love them and think they are such a solid family. I'm a little emotional that President Obama is being sworn in on MLK day. Thats simply, amazing.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Painted Toes, and Mama Woes....

I've always painted Carson's toes if he asked. Its never been something I've questioned. I paint mine and he wants to be like me because he spends a lot (all) his time with me. But then I began to question it when I posted a picture of Facebook, not even of his painted toes but just a picture that you could plainly tell his toes were painted (Green and yellow from the Civil War) and I got some comments being all "ZOMG are those painted toes"

Its always been just normal for me to paint his tootsies when I paint mine. Usually I use it as a way to get him to let me clip his dragon toes.

So what says the blogosphere ? Little boys with painted toes (BTW his are TEAL right now.) Is it Okay? Not Okay? Age to stop? I just can't seem to get my panties in a twist over a 3 year old having painted toes.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I went to a play group today, you know that weird feeling when you sit around with a group of people for the first time and things just kind of click? I never feel that normally. But today as crazy toddlers and young children ran around and we sat, drank coffee and talking about Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, and Walking Dead (Oh yeah and football love!) I felt for the first time that I found a tribe to belong to.

It doesn't hurt that tomorrow night is Moms Night out, we're going to a ladies night shooting range followed by line dancing. I will update on how badass of a time we have tomorrow night! Booyah!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Currently I am....

I'm totally snagging this idea from some lovely PNW bloggers I've seen it pop up and I love the idea of stopping to think about whats going on in different aspects of your life. 

Working on the blog, trying to decide what I want to do with it. Should it be more "Me" or more "lifestyle" or leave it where its at with the family blog. 

Drinking Nothing but water, I had put a bottle of wine in the fridge and I'm sad I forgot about it until after I brushed my teeth. 

Enjoying Some snuggles with my big baby. Sort of. This will be like night 4 of him being a bedtime squatter. He hasn't felt great but this is getting ridiculous.

Considering if its worth the fight to put Carson in his room tonight or if I should waive the white flag and just let him and his farty booty stay 

Noticing  How much I enjoy listening to the classical music that plays as background to his shows. Its nice. 

"Oh your baby is almost 1, Another one?"

Anyone else get this question when baby starts approaching one year? We have 2 kids already and we are getting the "Oh its time for another baby!!" questions and "pressure".

I have been trying to work out a response that not only say's "We're currently placing any more family planning on hold" with "My kids sleep like newborns so maybe someday we'll have enough energy to have sex on the regular again"

Usually I just smile and shake my head "no"

Its not that we don't want another baby, I'd love to have another squishy newborn. But the idea of being outnumbered scares the shit out of me. For what ever reason my heart breaks that Oliver won't get 1on1 time with us until Carson is in school. Another baby would rob him of the little time he would get. Carson is such a great big brother and for the most part they get along amazingly. Why fix what isn't broken?

I just need a nice way to telling people to butt out, we aren't ruling more kids out, but we are on the side of the 2 and done fence. I'm happy on this side of the fence.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Lately I've been spending more time on Pinterest (I totally got out of habit for a long time) and I've really started to notice all the "Pinter-perfect" houses and yards and kids and family and everything. I sometimes get all down on myself because we aren't Pinterest perfect.
Thursday I was taking pictures of the set up I've got going with Olivers cloth diapers and I actually thought to myself "Self, these pictures aren't good enough for the blog. They are on your iPhone and there are toys on the floor the changing cover is askew and the walls are white still"

Seriously. Also yeah I talk to myself at home.  So I didn't end up actually taking any pictures. Maybe I'll paint the walls and clean up the toys and then take some pictures. No I'm kidding. No I'm not, Sherwin Williams is running 25% off right now, I probably will end up painting at some point!

I really hate how everything has become a "contest" Mommy wars are strong. Everything breeds the "You're not good enough" and I don't know about you, but my inner voice does that enough.

I didn't make many NYE resolutions this year, mostly because I never follow through and mostly because I hate the whole new year new you thing. But in a way we are doing some major life changes. Going greener, living more simply, eating healthier and running more (500 miles!)  I am also going to start being a better blogger and writer. I'd like to get over 500 posts by next year (total not 500 more! I'm at 289)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cloth Diapering

I'm going to write a series of blog posts over the next month or so as I get the rest of our cloth diapers in the mail. I'm going to be writing about how to do it on the cheap, because lets face it. Besides saving the earth, and creating less waste, and keeping a cute booty in something not toxic or harmful.  Its about savings. I'm not going to pull out the you will save THOUSANDS.

Because, well everyone knows that if you spend the money upfront to cloth diaper, and are smart about finding good deals, and buying lesser known brands, or second hand diapers you will actually save a lot of money.

What are types are we using? 

- Mostly pocket diapers
-Covers and prefolds

What Brands? 

- GDiapers (Purchased used from a friend)
-Alva Baby 
-Smush Tush

How Many do you really need?

Right now I am unsure how many we actually will need. Right now, we are only using Gdiapers I got these from a friend for really cheap, I was so grateful because we were down to 7 disposables and I really didn't want to buy more just because I was waiting for diapers in the mail! We have 10 G covers and 14 cloth liners, right now. Thats enough to get us till our packages come in, but thats laundry every day.

We also have a handful of pockets right now, 2 Kawaii and 1 BumGenius and 1 Smush Tush. I am liking these at night because they are seriously crazy stuff-able for night time use.


I'm trying to keep the start up costs as low as possible so we actually DO end up saving money. Currently (On my spreadsheet) I've spent 211$. At 60$ a month for disposable diapers I will break even in 3.5 months. Once I break even I think I will splurge on some etsy print diapers that are super cute. Especially for summer when he can just run around in his fluffy booty!  We aren't planning anymore children right now so I want to keep costs lower in case we don't use them again.

Will This become and Eco Family Blog?

Probably for a while, I am going to try to feature a different cloth diaper week by week, do pros and cons of each and of course loads of pictures. I will also post about different things we do to make cloth diapering easier on us. I have some projects already in the works. Like a drop down drying rack over my dryer that I can put up when not in use (I have cabinets that I still need to open!)  Putting a line outside for this summer for sunning and drying.

All in all we are super excited to get really into this. Its crazy how silly things like what to put on your kids booty gets you all excited!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

So I'll probably be obsessive for a moment

After making the decision to switch to cloth diapers, I've gotten so excited and borderline obsessive on what I want,  how many I want, and all the colors and prints!

We've decided to stick with one style for now. Pockets. I can stuff them at night after washing them and just put them on like disposables.

My first few orders will be rolling in soon! I've decided to go with a mix of Alva Baby and Kawaii for now, they are a pretty reasonably priced. Have good reviews, and I can order both from the same website.

These are the ones coming in the mail in the next week or so

Item picture
Alva baby Bird House
Item picture
Oh Baby Ka 
Heavy Duty HD2
Light blue in the background (Kawaii)

Soft Yellow