Thursday, February 28, 2013

In other news...

My MacBook officialy died. Hence, radio silence. I'm learning to use my kindle fire.

Oliver turned one last week which was crazy!! He's a big kid, 30 inches tall and almost 24 lbs. I have a ton of pictures to share when I get my computer up and running or get a new one.

Carson's health problems are coming to a head and we'll be taking him to OHSU in the coming weeks to see a GI doctor :( I will elaborate more when I start getting results back.

I really need to catch up on house stuff and have just been lazy this week.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Running with the wee ones...

So friday morning I sat down to read some blogs. I've got to say I love being apart of a facebook blogger group. I love having the daily "reminder" to stop and read whats going on with other peoples lives that are also local. But friday morning I came across this blog in the reader, she titled it Controversy Hobby Jogger as I read it I really had no idea that there were people out there that considered themselves "Elite" runners that weren't doing it professionally (are there actually professional runners outside of like the Olympics/nationals?)

As I read it I realized, I don't really consider myself any sort of runner. I enjoy running. I love running with the boys in the jogger, I like running on a treadmill alone. I love listening to music while I run.  I don't run terribly far. I did 2 miles on saturday pushing the jogger with the boys and that felt good. I don't think I'll make my 500 mile goal (I kinda failed horribly already.)

I will say that even after reading the blog post, I was slightly more aware of encountering other runners. I was pleasantly surprised though that while out running on saturday morning I didn't encounter any "elites" I encountered a lot of respect. It was mutual because even being a "hobby jogger" I'm still lapping my former self on the couch, and thats what matters.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Baby Boy...

My little Man turned ONE on wednesday! Woah. So crazy. We had such a great day. His party is Saturday so that will be fun.

He reminded me four times last night that he is, still in fact a baby. By being up 45 minutes each time he woke up.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my Darling little boy. 

What a year this has been. 

Some favorite from this year 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Its friday

Normally today is for Flaunt Your Fluff Friday to keep the cloth diapering posts to one day. But anyway, I don't have much to say on that. 

Its unbelievably gorgeous out today for the PACNW. Like WOAH. Its hot out sun is shining, we had a play date with some new(ish) friends and then ran Chris some lunch since he left pizza for me. We had a nice Vday of pizza and college basketball. 

But yeah today called for daytime margarita and playing out in the back yard. Seriously moving was the best thing ever. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentines Day...

We can't be the only people that don't celebrate, like at all, right?  Chris isn't into V-day and over the years its been easier to just blow the holiday off so I'm not left feeling disappointed when I've gotten him a card or made him something and I've gotten nothing. But thats kind of how it always goes.

I probably will have the boys get me some chocolates though.

So tell me, do you make a big deal of the holiday or just let it roll off your back? Is your significant other into the holiday? Is it hard if both parties involved have a different level of expectations on this day?

Monday, February 11, 2013


I give up. 

Today was seriously the worst day in the history of shitty days. I'm good. Think they make diapers for college kids? Yeah I don't think so. Obviously all kids end up trained, and today/tomorrow/this week is just not my kids time. 

Here we go again...

Not pregnant!

Potty training.

I think this marks 18 months since the first time we attempted potty training Carson. Each regression is harder than the last and each time we throw in the towel getting him back to it is worse. I'm not entirely sure why I'm trying again, he's even more resistant than last time. He cares all of 0% if he's wet or dirty. He'd sit in a poop diaper all day if I didn't insist on changing him.

I'm not entirely sure he won't be 4 years old and still in diapers. It makes me feel like a failure. I know I would have judged myself HARD before having kids. This is karma's payback for Chris and I judging his cousins 4 year old for not being potty trained.

I'm going to keep a PTing journal for 3 weeks ("they" say it takes 3 weeks to fully train. I call total bullshit)

Hopefully I don't go bald.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Flaunt Your Fluff Friday:Wk2

This week is Oliver wearing a Hungry Caterpillar Diaper during his Cake Smash Photo Session with
I'm seriously so in love with this picture! I can't wait to get my CD and put my favorite blown up on the stair way.
Also, 2.20.13 is coming up way to fast. How is it possible he will be one in no time???  

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Things I love Thursday...

Beautiful Flowers from my Carson. He said they were pretty, and I was pretty so I should have them

Some broke in the process of cutting them and so I got some flowers for our bedroom window!

Dinner tonight is going to be FABULOUS!

Knitting project. Trying my hand at a wool soaker for Oliver

This kid has Swagger for sure. These are his "StarRock" glasses

The Back yard is dug up, pulled tons of clay out, laid manure, cedar mulch and grass seeds.!! Whoop! 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Good People...

All I want for my boys in life is to be good people. 

While I don't have any "proof" that what I'm doing with them now will make them good people, I sure do hope that someday I will look back on when they were young and think "Wow we did a good job raising them"  Some might call it antiquated, or old fashioned. 

But I hope my boys always open doors for women, and give up their seat on a bus so an elder, or lady may sit down. I hope they know to pay for dinner on a date and never sit in their car and honk the horn (God forbid I find out they do this steam will come from my ears) I hope they take out the garbage because they notice its full, and make their beds because it saves their Mama an extra few minutes for my coffee. I hope they know they can always come home to a home cooked meal and fresh laundry. 

I hope that when they are offered a drink at a party they say "No thank you, I'm driving" or have the good sense to call me, no matter the time. 

I'm raising boys, that will turn into men. I'm raising boys that will be deserving of good women. I'm raising boys that no matter what they do in life I will be proud of them. Cause I know, in my heart they will be good people.

Obviously I don't know if what I am doing is working. Carson is 3 and while he hasn't hit true defiance yet, I feel like he's turning into a really "good" kid. He's helpful and sweet and while I'm waiting for the terrible to get here (and some days it is) I really think over all on the path he is on, we won't have major issues in the future. Obviously anything can contribute to rebellion at a later age. But these are just my wishes for them in life. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Bed sharing with a three year old...

Not totally sure how we got in this mess. Not saying that bedsharing is bad or what ever. We actually CHOSE to bed share when Carson was a baby (and took up a lot less room) mostly because our house was not set up properly with bedrooms so it wasn't a reality for Carson to sleep in his room.  Anyway thats besides the point. He had been successfully moved into his own bed and his own room for like a YEAR! Okay a fucking year. So, 1/3 of his life.

I've been pretty gentle with him because the move was hard on him. Then he went through a monsters phase, and now "ghosts" so I've been torn on kicking him out at night. Cause it sure as shit beats what used to happen, he'd just wake up crying and screaming and I'd have to go in and sooth him (not knocking soothing I really don't mind...that much)  I personally don't mind, because he doesn't over snuggle me. Its Chris who he pretty much muscles out of the bed, and recently Chris has been leaving in the middle of the night and sleeping on the couch. Which just isn't fare.

So tonight I decided to pull out the extra crib mattress and throw an extra sheet, pillow and blanket. I told him if he comes into our room in the night he HAS to go to his little bed. Or he'll be back in his room. I'm guessing at some point I'll wake up and he'll be in our bed, sleeping on Chris' face.

Does anyone have any advice for kicking the dude out of our bed and our room? I honestly don't mind right now, but I can totally see him being like 8 and still sleeping on a crib mattress in our bedroom.

Super Bowl Sunday

I love sports, I love to watch them, I love to play them, I love to talk about them. So Super Bowl Sunday is like MY favorite day of the 1/2 of the year!

I spent all morning yesterday prepping lunch, watching the pregame shows and over all just enjoying the day. I cranked up the country in my kitchen and made Sweet Tea, Pulled Pork, Soyaki Drumsticks, Bread Cubes with Cheddar/Horseradish dip, Carrots and Broccoli with Bacon/Cheddar/Ranch dip, and of course chips and salsa.  As always beer and coke are served.

Oh and if you have a costco, run don't walk, and get those pretzel slider buns. They are like the best thing to happen in my kitchen. EVER.

We had such a great day. A good friend of ours came and hung out, we played football at the park in front of our house during half time. I had gotten Carson some disk guns so those were a hit during the low parts of the game (hello first 3 quarters where the Ravens stomped the 49ers.)

The commercials were so hit or miss this year. The game finally got good after that power outage.  6wks till Selection Sunday! Whoop March Madness!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Stepping Out Saturday: Lee Jeans review

So back in November I attended the PacNW Blogger Meet up at the fabulous West Elm. You can read about it here. I had such a great time and I even WON a pair of Lee Jeans as part of an IG giveaway. I'm all OH SNAP I never win anything. Ever.

So I waited for them to email me and give me directions on picking my jeans and then they would ship. Well I picked but in the mess surrounding the holidays I never received my jeans. I emailed the Lee Jeans representative Katy and let her know what was up and that I hadn't gotten them yet.

She felt terrible and was so sweet she got another pair out to me in the mail ASAP. Once I received them and washed them up I was so excited. They fit really cute and enhance my booty (don't we all need a little lift post kids?)

I got these in a size 10, probably could have gone up to a 12 to avoid muffin top but I am working really hard on pounding out the miles and losing the weight, so I'd rather have something to look forward to fitting in the next few months over something to throw in the "to big" pile.  I was so happy with the customer service as far as getting me the pants after the snafu of them not getting shipped. They came really fast. I'm just very happy with them and will be ordering more in the future.

I am NOT a fashion blogger. So "posing" included me walking away from my husband while he took my picture on my iPhone.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Flaunt Your Fluff Friday!

Okay excuse any and all typos and spelling errors today. I'm clicking this out on my iPhone cause I just did 4 loads of clothing laundry and have a basket of diapers waiting to be stuffed. So I don't really want to wander down stairs to where I have to use my laptop (because it's crazy and won't pick up wifi more than 7 feet from the box) Lesigh.

Any way, this is the first week of Flaunt Your Fluff Friday! I'm excited because its been 2ish weeks cloth diapering and I really do still enjoy it quite a bit. I don't see this stopping anytime soon. My goal is of course do it till Oliver potty trains.

I'm gonna pick a day and write about one brand of diaper since we are using a ton of different diapers and I wish I'd had more info when deciding. I'm glad we have a decent sized stash of lots of different brands though! some mid range and some less expensive, some made by amazing women putting love in every diaper, to some probably being made by the thousands.

I am currently trying to get a good over night solutions to mister heavy wetter (Carson) currently a fitted work horse and hemp doubler with a flip cover are working. But I either need to order more or find another decent option. That's he only problem we've run into, Carson wets so hard at night, but that was an issue with huggies/pampers too.

The chevron? Oh I die! It's a Smush Tush from my friend Katherine! Check her etsy out @Smushtush :)

I love the look of drying diapers on the side ways baby gate. Lol. This summer were putting up a clothes line for sure!!

Baby booty sleeping! Alva baby diaper. Love how cheap they are. They make up a good portion of our stash since I was trying to do cloth diapering on the cheap :-)

Seahawks diaper! Not much to say. I love WAHM etsy diapers. Wish I had a bigger diaper budget for some of those!!