Thursday, September 29, 2011

Gender Reveal Video BTW

I'm so in love with this video. Thank you so much to my awesome friend Em for doing this for me. She spent a LOT of time editing the video to make it just so. <3 you girl!

I've been a craptastic blogger

So yeah, I've been MIA for a while now. Sorry 'bout that. We've had a lot going on recently. Its holiday season, its CB's birthday in LESS than 1 month. Holy shit! I've been really tired lately too, so my normal night time blogging has taken a back seat for sleeping.

I've been having some really interesting pregnancy night time symptoms, including getting REALLY pissed off at Abby for bed hogging, and taking off my underwear because its to much of a pain in the ass to take them off and on to pee a million times a night.

I'm even starting to get a bump! Which for me is really exciting because I have taken a while to show this pregnancy but I finally feel like I'm getting a bump that is baby-ish and not chub.

On to the holiday season....Saturday marks the start of the crazy decorating and cookie baking (mmmm) season. Right now I am sitting amongst boxes, some waiting to go to my parents for storage since we took an entire office and are converting it to a nursery for Bean. And some waiting to be unpacked for Halloween on saturday. I broke down and put the trick or treat mat out today when I got it out of storage, and the halloween pillows and throw blankies are also in the wash!

 Speaking of Bean, I've been feeling him move a TON recently he's a very active little dude and its so much fun to feel those kicks again.

On to CB's birthday. Mr. C took the week of his birthday off and we're heading to GREAT WOLF LODGE for 2 nights 3 days! We are so excited. We decided after his blowout first birthday last year and the insane amount of stress I was under to get it done. This year we're celebrating his actual birth, just like it was 2 years ago. The three of us. We'll have pizza and cake the week before and I'm inviting grandparents and maybe a couple friends but nothing big.

I have a ton more but that was the cliff notes version tonight I will sit down and write out a bunch of separate posts and get them up ASAP

Monday, September 19, 2011

This is going to be the only post about this

As many of you don't know. We suffered from Secondary Infertility. My secondary IF is a scar. Its a physical scar that I can not do anything about.

While I don't fault the people that sent me messages saying "how sorry" for me they are, because we are having a boy. I must say, I wish they realized how hurtful those kinds of comments are. Because truly I do not know if we will have another child. I do not know if we are even ABLE to have more children. I only have about 40% of my uterus that isn't scarred. So its amazing that Bean is on his way. With or with out a penis.I wish I could wear my scar on my face, just because others can't see it doesn't mean it's not there.

When I get comments about being disappointed for me, I am just thankful that Bean is on his way.

This will be my only post on this topic because as you've probably figured out, IF for me was very private and I wish for It to continue being. Private matter.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

So excited for BOY

I have some pre-ultrasound videos I took this morning/early afternoon that kind of show the emotions that went into today. I'm just waiting for Em to get me the videos she took too! Especially the actual reveal! I had so many emotions going into the ultrasound today. I was really nervous that I would not be excited if it was a boy. I detailed my emotions in this post.

I am actually going to post the pre-ultrasound video tonight. A little teaser if you will.

Its a......

Quick pregnancy photo dump

Pregnancy Photo Dump. I'm a LOT smaller with Bean than I was with Carson. Which is nice for sure. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I've been blowing up facebook....

With updates for how much longer until we find out the sex of our Bean tomorrow....its 19 hours by the way.

I have so many weird emotions finding out tomorrow.

I'm scared. Scared that if its a boy, I will feel a pang of saddness for not getting that mother daughter relationship with my own daughter. I am scared that those feelings will show through in our gender reveal photos and video. But I highly doubt that. I wanted girl so desperately when I was pregnant with CB, and the moment, I found out he was a boy. I was over joyed.

I'm excited. For me, finding out the sex makes it truly real. We can use the baby's name (which we will NOT be sharing till birth day) Once we see the big human looking baby in there will be amazing. I'm still so tiny that its ridiculous and I don't "feel" pregnant.

I'm nervous. Mainly because we haven't seen the Bean since August and we'll have our camera going in the ultrasound room....what if something is wrong with the baby?

So there it is. My feelings. I can't wait though! 19ish hours to go

Friday, September 9, 2011

Hard choices

We've been seriously talking about finding Luna a new home. God I feel like a bag of shit for even saying that. We've had her four fucking months and she's already a lot of trouble. I can't even begin to fathom 3 dogs, 1 toddler and a newborn. She also barks a lot. So yesterday I went to our vet and talked to them about putting up a flyer, and then I went to where we got her and talk to them, then....I called the breeder.

Basically we would be totally out our 650$ we paid for her if we take her back to the breeder. Which in my opinion would be just fine, since its really our fault she's not working out.

I called my mom pretty upset about it today, and she proposed that they take Luna, for the time being. Until Abby passes away (she's 14 we hope, but aren't really betting she has a lot of years left) and that way we can still see Luna all the time, and breed her, and know she's being loved. Also my parents already have 3 dogs and a cat and a huge fenced yard. She loves it here and will do great.

Mr.C makes fun of me because nothing has changed now 3 out of the 4 dogs will have at one time, been mine. So glad my mom and dad are awesome like this though, because seriously I felt terrible trying to put up ads on craigslist for my sweet loving pooch. My parents have more time for her and more space and a nice big house.

Next weekend we're going to come down when my parents are actually here and when we go home, Luna is going to stay. Its going to be weird. But at least we know that if, we were to change our minds, we can come back and get her.

Please save your hate mail for people dumping dogs in high kill shelters. Not for me, who is doing whats best for my family, furry and non furry

Stats: 15 weeks

How Far Along? 15 Weeks

How Big Is Baby? The size of a Naval Orange

Total Weight Gain?  Didn't weigh this morning

Sleep? Not great. I'm so sick and tired of fucking dogs in our bed. 

Best Moment of the week? Feeling the baby move. 

Food Cravings? Chinese food. I did end up getting some yesterday and it was really good

Food Aversions? N/A

Symptoms? I'm actually feeling pretty good now

What I'm looking forward to? Gender Scan September 14th!!! Followed by gender reveal photo shoot! 

What I miss? Not much right now. I'm feeling really good and getting a lot done

Exercise? Not a ton its been hot as balls here. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Can we call yesterday a Shit Sundae ?

Because yesterday was shit, with a really fun activity at the end of the day as the cherry on top.

CB has been totally discombooberated since Saturday's super long trip, and I get to be the one to pay the price. He hasn't really napped well since. Yesterday, he didn't nap at all. He just decided since he's so tired, he's just going to smack me every chance he gets. At one point I was so frustrated I told him I was going to put his leash on and tie him to the post outside daddy's work.

Oh yeah MOTY right here.

But then, the moment Daddy walked in the door, it was like a light switch went off. (I guess he just resents me for his lack of sleep?) We decided to go to the local splash pad down the street to have some water fun. I decided (impromptu hence the iPhone video quality) to take some videos.

So here is our fun splash pad evening! I warn you now, its pretty long. But the sweetest part is at the end

Untitled from Salena Mellick on Vimeo.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Got Blog?

Cause I'm not busy enough, between life, and this blog.

Well basically, I'm tired of clogging up this blog with my recipes and food stuff. But I also hate whoring it up on facebook. So a new blog was born, much like a star.

Follow: Shut Up, I'm Pinteresting *Here*

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Watermelon sorbet making for the Tots

I followed this recipe, and it turned out pretty gosh darn amazing.

Its a tiny bit on the sweet side for me, I'd probably make less of the simple syrup. I doubled the recipe to use up most of our watermelon so I made 2 syrups. I think I could have gotten away with doubling the watermelon and not the syrup.

Simple syrup coming to a boil with Lemon Zest

Watermelon chunks in the blender. Blend until liquid

CB really enjoyed shaking the bag!


Friday, September 2, 2011

Fuck you allergies

I absolutely HATE allergies. CB has several that just fucking suck.

He is allergic to Oranges, Bananas, Pineapple (so am I) Lemons, Kiwi, and milk. 

Its really hard, I hate that I can't always control and sometimes this shit just lurks as a random ingredient. I let CB have a juice box at play group and I didn't realize it had pineapple (the worst allergen for him next to oranges) I'm pretty sure it also had kiwi juice in it. It wasn't even 5 minutes after having the juice, that he had a clear poop. I couldn't get the diaper off fast enough before his bottom was bleeding.  I asked our pediatrician if his tush reacts like this, how are his bowels?  

The answer? Bad. 

So to this, I say Fuck You Allergies. 

I honestly hope he outgrows these, of course I do. I'm an adult allergic to pineapple and milk, lavender, and bees. I know how much it fucking sucks to have to watch out for them. Poor kid. 

Stats: 14 weeks

How Far Along? 14 Weeks

How Big Is Baby? The size of a Lemon!

Total Weight Gain?  Finally gained some weight, I'm only down 2.6 pounds from Pre-preg weight!

Sleep? Not great, I've been having really bad gas pains in my sleep. To the point that I double over in pain in my sleep.

Best Moment of the week? Pretty sure I felt the baby move on the inside 9/1/11

Food Cravings? Nothing

Food Aversions? N/A

Symptoms? I'm actually feeling pretty good now

What I'm looking forward to? Gender Scan September 14th!!! Followed by gender reveal photo shoot! 

What I miss? Not much right now. I'm feeling really good and getting a lot done

Exercise? Back to hiking!