Sunday, September 30, 2012

First outdoor workout

Tonight I did my first outdoor work out. Normally I just go to the gym, do my cardio and some yoga and pilates and head home. Normally about an hour and call it good. I always work up a sweat, and burn some calories but working out, outside is just a different kind of work out. Fresh air pumping through my lungs. I realized that I am in shape, just kind of chubby/fat. Which has got to be better that being skinny and out of shape.

I ran my first mile tonight in 9 minutes. I am not a runner so I have no idea if thats pretty good or not. But gotta start some where
My second mile tonight was 11 minutes. I did run into a spider web and fell off the side walk, flailed and was an over all ninja for a split second.

My play is to go do it again tuesday, again thursday.

Tomorrow morning is my weigh in. Fingers crossed I'm in the 160's tomorrow. Even if its 169.9

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Things you don't realize you miss out on

When we lived in Portland we were always fairly active with our social circle. I was always big on not giving up that side of our lives just because we were parents. But then, we moved out to suburbia. Which we LOVE. We wouldn't live anywhere else with young kids. But at the same time, our social circle dropped off. We never see anybody and thats fine with us, we miss our old friends but it was not worth living in a big city with our kiddos. 

For the first time last night, we left the boys with a non family baby sitter. Granted it was our neighbor and she's awesome. We went out on the town for a friends birthday party. We had SO much fun. Things I took for granted before having kids: Hoop earrings, heels, a bra that lifts and separates (Non-nursing bra)  I thoroughly enjoyed wearing high heels last night, drank alcohol with out worry (thank you husband for DDing)  I never realized that I do miss going out and being able to just let loose. I haven't been able to do that for the last 3 1/2 years 

I missed my boys and was happy to snuggle with them this morning. But I am enjoying finding that balance. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hilarious Baby Picture!

Wait, your baby doesn't do yoga? What a shame...

Toddler Crafts: week 1

I'm really working on doing more hands on crafts and art with Carson. I realized recently that we do a lot together but he really lacks in getting to do art projects. If he was in Preschool this year he would be doing art a couple times a week. So I'm going to try to at least pick one fun art project a week and do it with him. This week I thought oh we'll do those fun yarn lanterns off pinterest. Well Carson hates being sticky or gross, so I ended up doing them. Its not as easy as it looks on pinterest.

Here is the recipe though for the paper mache glue.

1 cup flower mixed with 1 cup water stir together, then boil 4 cups of water and add to the paste. Stir and let cool. Also if you dip your finger in it to see if its cool enough, do NOT lick it off. It actually does taste like glue.

Here are our pictures, I haven't popped the balloons yet since we did this yesterday.  I'm going to hang these over his bed!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Potty Training

I am in no way a Potty training expert. I haven't even successfully potty trained Carson yet. A little back story, We started potty training Carson after his second birthday. He was mostly pee trained with very few wet accidents. But it wasn't the pee that was the problem. Oh now, Carson had chronic toddler diarrhea. Its a real thing. Nothing is wrong with him. We took him to allergist, we took him to the doctor had poop cultures done. The whole 9-yards. At the end of severally really pain in the ass visits, and a celiac blood draw as a "last resort" I couldn't what the issue with my sweet boy was. What was wrong with him? He was having blasto poop 5 times a day. Thats not exactly easy to get him to go in the potty. 

So now, almost a year later, countless "breaks" a million accidents, and a lot of frustration and me throwing up my hands and saying "We're done with this crap Carson!" and putting a diaper on him. He's finally truly showing some signs of actually being ready. Woah. At first when he'd ask me to take him potty I would say "no way, just go in your diaper." But then I realized, if he wants to go, I should let him go. We started out slow. We finally got his tummy troubles under control. HOORAY!*  

So here it is, he's almost 3. All our friends have potty trained their kids and Carson couldn't even go to preschool this fall because he wasn't potty trained. He couldn't do soccer either. I know that probably by January he will be totally trained. Thats my goal. Before the end of this year I want him going by himself to the potty. 

I asked him a few days ago, do you want to wear undies or diapers? He chose undies. So we are not putting diapers on him again. (with the exception of car rides. The carseat is hard to take apart to scrub) 

*We "fixed" his tummy troubles with a mix of Probiotics, fiber pills and vitamins. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Weight loss

I'm going to post a picture of myself in the swim suit I  want to take with us to Great Wolf Lodge at the end of October for Carson's 3rd birthday trip. So be warned if you don't want to see a chunky, pastey, lady in a bikini just read the text and keep moving on.

I'm not really setting a weight loss goal. At least not right now. To me its not about the # on the scale but how my clothes look and fit. Soft or tight. I need to tighten it up and really start working towards having a fitter self. Not just for the sake of wearing my super cute new bikini to Great Wolf but also so I have better self image and health, for my boys.

My Start weight: 177 lbs
Problem Areas: Hips, Stomach, Sides

Work out plan of attack? Hitting the Gym ALONE MWF(Saturday) and power walking the other days with the boys in the stoller at least 2 miles.

Giving up? Soda. I think just giving it up completely will really help with the bloating.

I have 6 weeks to get my body into shape. I think thats totally doable!

Me in a swim suit

Monday, September 3, 2012

Moving sucks

I've written a couple times about how we're wanting to move from our apartment to a townhouse within the same complex. We just love living here, its well landscaped, we have a nice pool in the summer and a year round spa. We are close to work and lots of parks, and starbucks. But the people that live beneath us have taken the fun out of living in our apartment. I get kids are noisy and active. But come on, he's 2 years old and doesn't know ya'll exist. I don't actually care to keep him super quiet either, not if it means my happiness is compromised. My happiness > their happiness.

Last month while Chris was gone we got the call on a town house. But I made the executive decision based on what we had talked about that we did not want a deck, we wanted a patio. Whelp. Now looking back I think we made the wrong choice. We should have taken it, and moved. We would have been in it before Carson's 3rd birthday. Now we're looking at (hopefully!) a move around the middle of november. Thats best case scenario. Could be moving middle of December...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Oliver 6 Month Appt!

Oliver had his 6 month check up on Thursday! It was also the first time I've left Carson with someone other than family. He stayed at his best friends house while I took Oliver to the doctor.

Oliver is a health 20.2 pounds and 27 1/4 inches long! Holy smokes! He's a big guy!

I can't believe he's going so much and is just the sweetest baby. He's getting such a great personality. I'm just so in love with him.

Sleep has been going in waves. When we first sleep trained him at 5 months (CIO) he was doing AWESOME. To bed at 8 and up to nurse at 4. That was heaven.

Then teething really kicked in, up at 11, 1, 3, 5 and up for the day at 7. BOO! I was exhausted. So back to sleep training we go. We're now getting 8-230 which is doable. I know CIO isn't for everyone, and I am not endorsing it. But it worked for my child and myself. It breaks my heart hearing him cry, but he sleeps better and longer and is happier when he gets a good night sleep.

Hes up to 3 solid meals a day and loving all the foods!

Can't believe how grown up he is