Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The count down begins!

September 14th we're finding out if the wee babe is a Boy or Girl??? Can't wait. We're going to do some really awesome Gender Reveal pictures right after our ultrasound. My bestie Em is coming along which will be awesome! Chris will of course be there and Carson too!

We're going to ask our Ultrasound tech to write the gender down on a piece of paper and give it to Em, because she works some magic with a camera, she's going to take the envelope and head to the balloon store (what kind of place carries balloons? grocery store?) and get them. Put them in a pretty (and big) box that I'm going to decorate next weekend. When we open the box the pink or blue balloons will pop out and we'll be all "Ta-DA!" SURPRISE! for the photos. So excited! The reveal won't be on here until I get the pics back from Em


Oh Discipline....

I remember the first moment I disciplined CB in front of someone. It was my mom. The look of horror on her face was priceless.  She was always super relaxed with us kids. We could have committed murder and she would have been like "no honey, don't do that" no wonder my brother and I were always swinging from the ceiling, tearing up stores. We.Were.Monsters.

Now CB, I'm on top of him. I might be a bit to on top of him, especially with his attitude. He gets this attitude some days and will hit and bite. He can be mean to the dogs (which is weird since we're in general pretty nice to the dogs)

How do I deal with aggression? Timeouts mainly. Sometimes we just let the dogs nip him back too (stellar parenting, right?)

Light sockets, running in the streets, not listening during life threatening events?  Spanking. Either on the butt or on the hand, never hard, and always with an explanation. Light sockets is our big problem. He went after a socket with some keys one day and I've never been more upset, scared in my life. It was frightening. We have covers on all sockets, but he unplugs stuff and will plug it back in. They need to make a way to lock plugs into the socket.
Running into the street has become a new one. Now that I'm having him walk more as my expanding waistline grows, its harder to carry him place to place. So I have him hold my hand and walk. The terrible hand drop and run is awful.

Tantrums? Oh its a mothers worse nightmare. Walking through Target. Child sees something completely inappropriate (for CB its usually a big ass bottle of wine) and shortly after we walk away from said bottle of wine(or other contraband item)

The scream - Ignore it. It means nothing. He knows he's not getting that bottle of wine.

The Flop down - Stop so you don't just leave the kid in the middle of the store. Wait it out. Also, keep your eyes on your child, cause I can guarantee some little old bitty will stop to judge you. (and trust me, beat the shit out of an old lady, might FEEL like the right thing to do in the heat of the moment. But its NOT in the long run)

The Wet Noodle - Usually occurs when child is walking and holding your hand (otherwise its just a flop down) This is probably my least favorite, especially if your busy and in a hurry and that moment your child wet noodles, you accidentally yank their arm and you look like a child abuser. This one is so tricky, what do you do?

Discipline is hard, it invites a lot of judgement and a lot of people being douchecanoes about it, especially if they don't agree.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just call me June,

Cleaver that is.  I've never been a "modern" girl. Ask anyone that knows me, I've always felt that men should be men, and women should be women. I believe in the freedom to choose your own path, and I'll choose mine. I personally prefer a less modern approach to life. I'd rather be at home, taking care of my children than at work all day. I'd rather have dinner waiting for my husband than order take out. I'd rather my husband take out the trash and I do dishes. I plan on teaching our son these values and if we have a daughter, well I hope she chooses the path that best suites her. But I hope she takes away a few things from her mama. Things like, cooking a pot roast on the first day of fall, how to stuff a turkey, the best way to avoid ironing (I'm not that June Cleaver-ish)

I keep a very tidy house (as tidy as it can be with 1 tornado toddler and 3 dogs) Almost every night after CB goes to bed, I vacuum and do dishes, I mop once a week, and I make sure the laundry gets done. I can't wait until we have our forever home (even a long term rental home) to decorate and paint and just really kitch up!

This post has a point, I swear. I've got recipes to share that I made this week.

I made Zucchini muffins and homemade cream cheese frosting 

Random Fact - CB does NOT like frosting on his zucchini bread! He likes them plain


It was the best bread I've ever eaten, I'd never made homemade bread before but it was seriously one of the best things I've ever made. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Dr Appt today!

I had my doctor appointment today! It was great, my OB is so sweet. She felt bad she wasn't around last week for my cramping and bleeding scare. I'm no longer on modified bed rest. Just supposed to take it easy and listen to my body.

I got "the talk" about my weight gain. I've lost 6.6 lbs since my last appt. I don't know what to do really. I explained that I eat very healthy, mostly fruits, vedgies, cheese and eggs. (and a bagel or 2 thrown in for good measure) I promised her between 2 Thanksgivings and an at home Christmas.....I would gain the allotted amount of weight. It just might be during November-January! We had a good laugh over that! But yeah. She wants me to try to gain at least a pound every 2 weeks until 20 weeks and then a pound a week after that.

I got the go ahead for Disneymoon up until the very end of January!! I'm so excited for our trip!

Got to hear Bean swishing around moving and s/he had solid heart beat!

Doctor A is thinking this baby is a girl!

Gender Scan September 14th!!

Pregnancy stuff I LOVE!

Prenatal Vitamins! the gummy kind!MMMM
Coco Butter Stretch Mark Cream!
Bio Oil! Total life saver! I have a million stretchies from being pregnant with CB, but they all faded to white with this stuff

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Its been decided

We're off to Disney January 2012. I'm excited. Mr C is excited, and once CB learns what Disney Land is. He'll be excited! We'll need to do some budget tweaks but I am planning on keeping the whole trip under 1250$  That seems completely reasonable. We had looked at going on a cruise, going to hawaii and a couple other trips. But this just seems like it will be perfect for the 3 of us. We'd planned on doing it for CB's birthday this year, but really didn't have time to plan it properly.

Now the count down is ON!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Anyone take one? I really want to know? We didn't do one before CB, we also didn't take a honey moon because we were buying a house and kind of strapped for cash between a house and new babe.

I've been watching living social travel section, I had earlier suggest to Mr. C that we go to Hawaii with CB. But then I really thought about it. Being 33 weeks pregnant on our trip, what can I do in Hawaii? No scuba diving, no four wheeling, no horseback riding. Well shit. Thats a 2500$ trip that would basically be me sitting on the beach on my ass while CB plays and Mr.C does fun stuff.

So I asked Mr. C what his thoughts were on Disney Land in January. Its perfect, I've been enough times so I won't feel left out not doing the big stuff, plusalso I'll be doing all the fun kid stuff with CB!

I'm thinking a decent budget for the trip is a 1100 bucks.
400$ for tickets
200$ for gas -driving
300$ for hotel for the week. We'll be staying off the disney resort in one of the good neighbor hotels.
100$ for trinkets/meals at Disney
100$ for food and drinks to take into the park

Any one want to weigh in ?

Friday, August 26, 2011

Update: What the fuck moment of the week

I called today, I misunderstood our leasing options I thought we only had the option of 6, 12, and 15 month leases. Nope! We can have a 9 month lease. So thats what we're going to sign up for. That puts our move out date July 1st. I can handle that. I'm still not going to put a ton of effort into setting up a nursery. We'll probably just put the crib in our room. Or buy a little bassinet until we move.

I am done stressing over this. I can get this shit together in 9 months!


How Far Along? 13 Weeks

How Big Is Baby? The size of a Peach!

Total Weight Gain?  Didn't weigh today, but was down 4 lbs on monday

Sleep? Pretty good. 

Best Moment of the week? Seeing Bean, even if it was a scary ultrasound to check nothing was wrong.

Food Cravings? No cravings really

Food Aversions? Not much anymore

Symptoms? Round Ligament Pain

What I'm looking forward to? Our next Appt August 29th!!!

What I miss? Being able to do stuff. I'm on a "take it easy" because I've been having a lot of cramping and some spotting. 

Exercise? Nada, can't do anything right now. Cant even hardly leave the house 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'm having an "Oh Shit What The Fuck" moment

We're resigning our lease for 6 months, so we'll be here till April 1st....That kind of scares the shit out of me. 
The goal is to move next spring. Moving into a rental house. 

At the very latest our baby will be 28 days old. That is scary as fuck that we'll be moving during that time. I'm nervous CB is going to freak the fuck out. New baby, new house. 

At least we'll have a yard for the dogs so that will be a huge load off. We'll have a place to store our stuff. I'm almost wondering if I should even bother setting up a nursery. It seems like a waste of money to move stuff to a garage and pay another 60$ a month just to have a "space" to put the baby for less than a month. Most likely all the stuff will already be put away in boxes before the baby is even born. 

This time line is making me sick. 

Moving has become our specialty though. We've moved from our rental house that we lived in while dating. It was Mr.C's then I moved in. We purchased a house, moved out right before CB's first birthday due to mold issues and put it up for short sale. This will be the longest we've ever lived in one space. Hopefully the next place we move will be even longer. Someday we'll buy a nice big piece of property and we'll live there the rest of our lives. But for now, we are just not ready to make that kind of commitment to a house. 

Iphone Photo Dump **Instagram**

CB chillen pool side

PSL!!! Contraband coffee, nuff said

On our way to the river. CB has a tat ;)

12 week bump

Made these to get rid of plastic laundry baskets

Best craving to date! 

Great shoes! Wore them to a wedding last weekend!

Super fun weekend!

This weekend we had so much fun! Friday night was our friends wedding. CB spent the night with Grandma at our house playing and watching cartoons. Being totally sober at a wedding is kind of weird. Plus everyone knew we are pregnant, so its not like I could "fake it" that would just look fucking weird.

We went to the zoo before the wedding! 
Saturday we went on a 3 mile hike to see beautiful waterfalls. It was awesome....for the first 2 miles. The last mile was all uphill and switch backs.  Not cool mother earth, not cool.

Family of "4"

CB wouldn't look at the camera because it was in the sun

Nothing better than a mommy kiss

Saturday night we went to dinner at this awesome german place. We had Pork Schnitzel the size of a platter



CB highly enjoyed himself 

Today we went on a walk to the river in the next town over. It was a total blast and we were able to play in the river!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Every pregnancy is so different **Video**

Had some spotting and cramps from early early morning all through out today. Never had anything like this with CB. I didn't get to see my normal doctor, but the doc I saw was so nice and sweet. We were both so relieved. CB was a bit of a stinker at the doctors office. But he's had a rough day. He tripped and cracked his head on the corner of the TV cabinet and has a huge welt on his forehead.

So glad the bean is moving about and looks good. Had a solid heart beat and everything! Cervix is irritated and I am not allowed to lift more than 20 lbs. CB  gets to be my exception but he's going to have to figure out that he needs to walk a bit more too.

Here is what everyone wants to see. Baby Bean

Sunday, August 21, 2011

2nd Trimester

I'm in it! Woo!

For those that don't know

1st trimester = Positive test till - 12 weeks

2nd trimester = 12 weeks - 28 weeks

3rd trimester = 28 weeks - delivery

Stats: A little late

How Far Along? 12 Weeks!!

How Big Is Baby? The size of a Plum

Total Weight Gain?  Didn't weigh on friday. 

Sleep? Pretty good. Tossing and turning though

Best Moment of the week? Pushing through a 3 mile hike to see waterfalls (post on this later)

Food Cravings? No real cravings. I still "crave" junky food. But I choose not to eat it so I can feel better 

Food Aversions? Nothing is really bothering me anymore

Symptoms? Round Ligament Pain

What I'm looking forward to? Our next Appt August 29th!!!

What I miss? Looking skinny. Its so vain, but I miss it. I still had a little pudge from being pregnant with CB, but now that my ute is taking up space in my abdomen. 

Exercise? Went on a nice hike! 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Update: Abby and CB sharing a room

Last night was the first night we've put Abby in the same room to sleep as CB, hell, its the first time we've ever let a dog in CB's room.

It was a huge success. I did take Abby's collar off to avoid her jingling around and waking him up. But I woke up this morning, checked the monitor she was snuggling him in his bed. When CB woke up he was so excited to have his Abbbbbeeeeeeeeee in his room.

Tonight we put her in with him but he goes to bed several hours before she's "ready" for bed. So we let her out after a quick snap shot of the cuteness.


Once Abby was ready for bed we walked down the hall I opened his gate and she ran in and jumped on his bed for snuggle time. 

I love them. Its so sweet the love they share

I'm in the "One-derland"

199 days to go! Awesome feeling!

Monday, August 15, 2011

A boy and his dog

Tonight was the first night Abby has slept in the same room with CB, I've always been pretty anti-dogs in CB's bedroom. But out of all our dogs, Abby is the most wonderful. She has loved CB since the moment she could hear his heart beat through my stomach. She would sit with her head propped against my big bump and listen, doze off, snuggle. 

 When CB came home from the hospital, Abby almost broke herself jumping up and down with excitement.
 Then She would let him snuggle her like a pillow! 
 They were Mr. & Mrs. Claus For Christmas
 He's always loved her
 They've been accomplices for a long time 
 She worships him
 Best buddies

Tonight will be the first time Abby sleeps with CB, but it won't be the last. When we rescued Abby, we were told she was 6ish years old. She has aged a LOT over the last 2 years. We're starting to realize she's slowing down and won't be there for CB like we had hoped. Its absolutely heart breaking to even think about what will happen when she passes on. CB will be crushed. Our whole family will be. But until then, Abby is our spoiled little princess!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Coming home....

After a weekend at my parents is always a chore. Hauling all our crap back up to the house, getting the dogs situated.

This time, we had some awesome "surprises"

Surprise #1 CB hid a milk sippy under my pillow and it leaked old stinky almond milk every where. Thank god he doesn't drink cow milk. EW

Surprise #2 Luna took a small shit of some sort on our bed. Not sure if she moved it onto our bed before we left or what. But there was most definitely a dried crap on our bed.

Surprise #3 The dogs all brought back fleas from mom and dads. SUPER. So at 1030 at night, I got the joyful experience of flea dipping 3 dogs. Gross.

So yeah. Tomorrow will be the fun day of vacuuming and washing dog beds cause we were home a solid 2 hours before noticing the fleas.

Had an AMAZING Weekend though. CB loves his papa and his Gramma! He misses them as soon as we leave. Its so sweet.

Friday, August 12, 2011


How Far Along? 11 Weeks!!

How Big Is Baby? The size of a Lime.....Holy shit? Really!?! Thats really big! 

Total Weight Gain?  -4 lbs

Sleep? Alright. I'm always tired though

Best Moment of the week? Getting my Iphone so I can take pics more easily than with my DSLR. (Yeah I have a phone. it just sucks and can't take pics)

Food Cravings? I ate some cheetos and then promptly felt like shit. I'm going to continue eating my health food instead

Food Aversions? Nothing is really bothering me anymore

Symptoms? I can feel my uterus popping up more this week than I could last week. Its barely there, but I can feel it. YAY pre-bump!

What I'm looking forward to? Our next Appt August 29th!!!

What I miss? Not much. I'm trying to figure out a way to grab a sub sandwhich tomorrow. Not sure if toasting it will make the meat hot enough.

Exercise? Yoga, and walking! Feeling good! 

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I've had a lot of friends over the years, most have come & gone.  Mostly gone. I'm very social. I love making new friends & its just really rewarding to have those new relationships.

However, my issue has always been "keeping" friends. I've never had a friendship last over 2 years. Except for one very dear friend. Meg. We met back in college & I know I met her before we took a Biology class together. But I just can't remember when. Our friendship really started in the Biology class & lab anyway. Some how, this poor girl, ended up with me as a lab partner. I felt really bad, & I kind of realized she would probably hate me by the end of the year. Mainly because I am super squeamish & after plants we were dissecting a pig.  All I could think of was "Dude I can't deal with this shit" In the end I'm really glad she was stuck with me. We bonded over my heaving, & her chopping up a dead pig. Poor Piggy! I am 99% sure we named her Charlotte. But I can't remember. Maybe she'll chime in. Cause we're......get this....STILL FRIENDS. 4 years later. She is my longest relationship.  She is, with out a doubt. My best friend. We've had our ups and downs. But mostly ups. We've been there for each other through a lot. Break ups, relationships, weddings, babies. (well me anyway. Still waiting for her to find her one and pop some friends out for my kids)

She was my MOH

Add caption

My other closest friendship, however, substantially newer. I met Em online, on a TTC forum we both frequent. We know more about each others vaginas than I care to discuss. We had almost an instant connection online, & then we decided, lets meet in person. She only lives 30 minutes away so why the hell not? At first we'd planned coffee, but cancelled. I think we were both nervous. Not in a "You could be a 40 year old pervert" way. But more in a "Our relationship is awesome online, what if we don't get along in person?" way.  We ended up going to a concert this summer. It was a total blast & we've been even closer ever since. Not awkward, & we get along better than either of us thought. We "get" each other. We can sense somethings up with the other. As creepy as it might sound to the blog world. I had a dream about Em, I was hosting her baby shower....I had a newborn, about 2 months old. I had this dream before I even knew we were pregnant. What is crazy about this dream you might ask? Em & her husband have been dealing with Infertility. Which I hate, with every being of my body. I've never met more deserving of a child people. This month they are trying a new fertility treatment, I have this gut feeling its "the one". I've "seen" it in my dream.

Some moments in life, you just connect with certain people. Besides Mr.C and CB, Meg and Em are the closest thing I have to soul mates. 

This Ribbon got sappy all of a sudden. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Friday, Friiiiiday, FRIIIIIIDAAAAAAAAY!!!!

Sweet baby jesus I haven't been this excited for something since my wedding and CB's induction date.

I'm guessing this makes me a total loser....but seriously, I've been waiting and wanting an Iphone for years. YEARS.

When the Iphone came out on ATT, I didn't get it. My mom wasn't going to just buy me an Iphone, and I wasn't working. Then years later, I switched to Verizon, to be on the same plan as Mr.C. No Iphone on the Verizon plan at that time. So I got an Andriod Devour. Biggest piece of shit phone I've ever owned. I've had three of them in a year and a half because they suck so bad. The software is total shit. The hardware isn't much better. But I really could not justify a $700 phone when I had a (semi) working phone.



Friday, August 5, 2011


How Far Along? 10 Weeks!!

How Big Is Baby? Prune

Total Weight Gain?  Still in the negative here

Sleep? Better

Best Moment of the week? Didn't puke once this week

Food Cravings? Its been hot, so otter pops

Food Aversions? Nothing really.

Symptoms? Stretchy uterus feeling. YAY Round Ligament Pain!

What I'm looking forward to? Our next Appt August 29th!!!

What I miss? Not much. I do miss subway though

Exercise? Still doing Yoga! I'm working towards the full 50 minutes! Right now I can do about 25

Thursday, August 4, 2011

This one goes out to Bean

How is CB such a twig?

I've just got to list out what CB generally eats in his day, why is he so skinny still? AND why does he ALWAYS seem hungry?

Breakfast - An entire bowl of Cheerios and Almond Milk - Sometimes an English muffin with cream cheese

Snack - English muffin with peanut butter - Fruit Leather with toast

Lunch - Grilled cheese - Quessadilla - Peanut Butter Sammie  - Always includes some form of fruit/veggie and water

Snack - Fruit Leather and Toast with cream cheese

Dinner - Usually an entire portion of Spaghetti - Mac and Cheese - sandwhich - Always with a fruit veggie

Sometimes an after dinner snack if we eat early.

How is it possible he's ever hungry on this schedule? Yet he acts like he's starving

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

To the farmers market! Which was like OZ for me. Seriously I've only ever been to one Farmers Market (FM) in my entire life, once with my mom down on the coast. It was cold, there was a bunch of fruits and veggies I just wasn't into (maybe it was because it was fall?) But I remember not really enjoying it.

Tonight however, was a totally different experience. We strapped CB in his stroller and off we strolled! I knew I wanted to make the rounds a few times to get the best deal on berries and to really "test" things out. We sampled breads, and jams, learned about the origins of some of the berries. There was wine and beer sampling, which I did not take apart of. Obviously.

Here is what everyone is waiting of my haul! It was pretty awesome. 6 pints of "pick your fav" berries. All Organic for 15$ and a HUGE loaf of Challah bread (Jewish sweet bread) for 4.95! Its so expensive at New Seasons, which is the only other place I've found it.

Click for Larger

My kids legs are getting crazy long!

Some days I feel like ripping my hair out

My foot still hurts from Jamming it really bad on Monday. I could hardly walk the last couple days so it was lazy time at our house. Since it felt a bit better today, I decided I'd take the zoo to the dog park to get some energy out.

When I take the 4 of them by myself I always make sure CB is in his stroller, because you never know with dogs. As soon as we get there, Luna starts being a total bitch to a beagle. I was so embarrassed I ran over and tried to grab her. Note my foot is still swollen and I can hobble like a zombie, not exactly run around. I swat her butt and make my way back over to CB in the stroller. Then she DOES IT AGAIN!?!?! I'm like wtf. So luckily she has decent recall for a 5 month old dog.

I put her on her leash and we move to the other end of the dog park. As I pass these old ladies are snickering, and I ask them whats so funny? The lady goes "Well its a good thing you don't have Twins" I made a wtf face and tried to keep on walking, only to have her shout after me...."You really should take her off her leash, its not a big deal for them to work out their problems like that."  First of all, my dogs do NOT behave like that. I could not help myself I turned around and said "you know, actually with 3 dogs and a toddler, I run a tight ship when it comes to behavior. She will never learn if I just allow this bad behavior"  In my mind I'm like "Shut the fuck up you dumb bitch! your dogs are shit heads"

Yeah we ended up leaving about 10 minutes in to our dog park excursion. Probably won't be attempting it again that late in the morning. We normally go around 730 AM when no one else is there.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Healthy - Its a lifestyle

I used to be queen of junk food. For the longest time I never purchased a single piece of produce. Our cart was loaded with, juice, soda, chips, processed meats, instant dinners, bags of fries......Yes that stuff tastes good. But at what price? Oh well the actual purchase price of a usual trip to the grocery store would be about 75$ for MAYBE a weeks worth of chips, soda and instant dinners. Garbage food. On top of that, Mr.C and I would grab fast food while we were out.

No wonder I topped 210 pounds while pregnant with CB and it took me 19 months to get it off. No wonder Mr.C (while wonderful and an amazing man) was topping the scale slightly more than my high.

We'd been gradually making the change. Less processed dinners. But we were still going out to eat, and out to bars regularly. Then a few months ago, when I hit my target weight and Mr.C was still struggling. I sat him down and told him I did not want my kids to grow up with out their daddy because he dropped dead at 32 yo from our lifestyle.

He stopped eating out. Now he takes 2 sandwhiches to work and carrot sticks. We've totally cut fast food from our diet (well Mr.C has at least. I still swing into Mcdonalds once in a while for a small fry)

I'm not much of a drinker (booze) especially after having CB I like to stay sober. The kid still needs his mom at 6 am even if mommy has a hang over. But Mr.C enjoys his happy hours. That was the other thing he gave up. Its really working for him. He's lost a bunch of weight and is looking amazing.

We're really trying to do more fitness activities. Mr.C actually walked to work for the first time today! He really enjoyed it and even walked home. Thats 4ish miles round trip! Pretty awesome!  I've been really working on doing my Prenatal Yoga DVD and getting out and moving with CB in the morning.

Lets get to the nitty gritty reason I felt like posting this, I've realized something recently. I can get 2 weeks worth of food for about 50 bucks. Sometimes its more if we have a "meat" heavy week. But we mainly don't eat a ton of meats. You wanna know my secret? I've almost totally cut out prepackaged foods. No more smart ones meals, no more instant chicken. I buy a lot of produce, Tonight we ran to the store to replenish our fruits and veggies. I spent 12$ for 3 huge plums, 2 pears, 2 big peaches, a box of strawberries, and a cucumber. Also grabbed some weight watcher cream cheese and tortillas for wraps. As I walked toward the back of the store, I noticed chips were 2 for 5$. I could easily grab a couple bags if I wanted. But I would have ended up doubling what I spent tonight, and what would I have had to show for it? A fleeting moment of happiness as we inhaled the bags of chips and a few solid pounds packed onto my ass.

Its amazing what a healthy lifestyle does, for your entire lifestyle. Eating healthy saves money in the short term and in the long run. Obesity leads to a lot of long term health problems.