Monday, April 30, 2012

Something I've always wanted to try...

I entered a contest for mother day, for a 100$ credit towards Molly Maids! Run on over to Heir to Blair to enter too!

::fingers crossed::

Ditching the pull ups once and for all

We're ditching the pull ups during the day for right now. I'm not nervous, we did it once before. Regression is a bitch, and it wasn't even Carson's doing. I was already having a hard time keeping up with taking Carson to the potty when I was at the end of my pregnancy. Then Oliver was born and I was exhausted. Carson started living in pull ups again, I just didn't have the energy to be wrestling a newborn and running a 2 year old to the potty. 

But starting today, I am not putting Carson in pull ups when he's awake at home. I'll still put him in pull ups when we are out, because he inherited my fear of public toilets. (oh yeah its a real thing) and at sleep times. I'm hoping by the end of summer he won't need pull ups at all. 

I realize he's still so little and being potty trained even partially at this age is amazing. But we were there once before, we'll get back to being potty trained again

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Got the redecorating itch

I got the itch to reclaim something. But man it almost always ends up being a shitton more work than I anticipated and I guess that's why the hubs rolled his eyes when I begged him "please go with me to Joann's and home depot" he's all "what are we doing?? //scare face//"

Oh just a little project I've been wanting to do. You know the table and chairs my mom bought for 50$ cause it was so much nicer than our cheap ass ikea table and chairs...(balsa wood weighs NOTHING) the table and chairs was in great condition. I'm refusing to buy expensive furniture till our kids know to respect it.

All I wanted to do was paint the chairs black and cover the seats (wood is not comfy, y'all) so after an hour in Joanns deciding on fabric and foam and I had to find paint for another project (post about that to come) I promised him I would do all the work. All I asked of him was watching the boys.

Haha. Oliver napped for the first hour of the sanding. I got 1 out of 5 chairs done. I finally came up and asked if he would come help and Carson can play with chalk on the side walk. That lasted maybe 30 minutes.

Finally I retreated to the house leaving poor Chris with my project. I'm trying not I think how bad his back must hurt right now, mine hurts pretty fucking bad.

Anyway, here are some picture


Amazing husband painting away

In the kitchen waiting for friends

Chairs look awesome at the table, but now the table looks funny....Husband was not amused that I wasn't completely satisfied by my projecting 

I think the next house project I'm going to work on is renovating this boring kind of dumpy (amazing thrifting) find. Its this velvet chair that my mom and I found while we were out randomly thrift shopping. It was a total score at only 5$.

Here is a quick sneak peak, but just a little exciting look to the future, I'm planning on doing the Pinterest upholstery painting. I'm going to do the fabric in Teal with white feet and an orange throw pillow

Saturday, April 28, 2012

I love my family

We went to the Wooden Shoe tulip festival today! It was an absolute blast and a beautiful day for our little family of four to head down and enjoy some sunshine. We've gone the last few years and its always been fun. But this year was so much more special. I don't know why, maybe it has to do with better mental and physical health. But seriously today was the absolute perfect day. 

Some pictures from years passed



Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Oliver 2 month Well Check

So I'm just gonna start off by saying, I can't believe my BABY is already 2 months old......for one, I feel like he hasn't been here that long; for two, well he's a giant.


Weight : 13 lbs 12 oz (88th%)

Length : 24 1/4 inches (88th%)

Oliver got all his vaccines today like a champ. The only one we are delaying is Hep B. Mostly because I don't like the idea of him getting so many at once, and today, that was the least important. He actually slept through his shots. I was kind of surprised, but it was more traumatic for me than him. So I treated myself to starbucks on the way home. Chris stayed home with Carson and they worked on planting seeds for starts for our garden this spring! It was really nice to be able to focus on Oliver. He's the happiest, sweetest baby boy.

They gave me a post partum depression test today, I never got one after I had Carson. I am thinking that maybe had I received this test I might have been diagnosed earlier after I had Carson. Reading those questions I remember those feelings after I had Carson. **knock on wood** I am not experiencing anything like I did after Carson. So for the mama's that had PPD/PPA the first go around, its okay. You might have a totally different experience the second go around. I prayed so long and hard before Oliver was born to allow me joy in his early life. I'm so grateful to have received it.

Oliver is....



Rolling (front to back)

starting to giggle

Responds to my voice and Daddy

Tracks with his eyes when I move around him

Loves his brother

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Radio Silence...

I've been totally MIA recently. Mostly because we've been gone the last 2 weekends in a row visiting my family. We hadn't been to visit since NYE and knowing how well Oliver does and taking some pressure off of me to entertain Carson 24/7.

Oliver is getting huge, he has his 2 month pediatrician check up next tuesday. He's super smiley and happy little baby. I packed up his newborn and 3 month clothes last night. I'm hoping he evens out his growth soon because this boy is HUGE. I miss tiny squishy newborns. He didn't stay squishy long enough for me. Granted its pretty fun to tickle his cheeks and make him smile is pretty fun.

Carson has been getting so big and having so much fun growing up. We decided to take him to Disney for his 3rd bday this year, which is only 6 months away. Aaaah. I can't believe my baby will be 3, I don't know why, but 3 just sounds so old. Its so close to 5. Which is close to Kindergarten. Weird! He just seems less and less my "baby" and more and more my "child" every single day.

Chris and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary on the 11th. I can't believe how time flies. I feel like we just got married, and we were just having Carson. Now we are celebrating 3rd anniversaries and have 2 kids. Its amazing. We're well on our way to our 50th. :)

Lots has been going on, but at the same time nothing really to note. Lots of laundry, baby snuggles and going to the zoo.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

More Fashion Forward moms....

I'm having a really hard time between dressing my age and dressing like a mom. I'm in my early twenties so its not like I'm old. So I don't exactly want to dress like I'm 50, but I hate that I look like a 12 year old when I'm out with the kids. So this leaves me in a weird vex for fashion help.

 Do I say to hell with being young and go shop at Loft or Chicos? or dress my age and watch the little old bitties at the store glare at me, bonus points if I forget my wedding ring and they are all, "zomg unwed teenage mother! lets cane her"  Or do I try to find a happy medium of fun fashion and appropriate dress. I never thought I would find myself looking at V-necks thinking "my goodness this is way to low cut, but its good for breast feeding" Nor did I ever think I would be so annoyed with low cut pants, but if I have to hike my pants back up over my ass one more time I might just burn them and live in yoga pants.

I've traded in a lot of my "college girl" fashion of mini skirts and thongs and low cut spaghetti straps, but with weight fluctuations over the last 3 years and size difference and body morphing into weird shapes. Even clothes I bought a year ago are baggy, or to tight. Any time I put on jeans that are to tight a little piece of my soul just kind of goes "meh" when I see the mama-muffin. I try not to be to hard on my body, its done its job wonderfully. It brought to amazing boys into this world. Yeah its a little worse for wear. But it gave me the two most amazing children I could ask for. For that, I am grateful.

So, what is cute, fun, practical, and fashionable? What ARE moms wearing to the play ground these days?

I am trading in my low cut jeans for something higher waisted, nothing says "classy" like half your buttocks hanging out of your jeans when you bend down and scoop your kiddo up. I purchased a few cute t-shirts and a nice top to wear for easter. Funky pink flats will help give me a pop of color and I'm going to  try to start accessorizing more. Hopefully this is a start in the right direction.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sunshine, lollipops, rainbows every where

 Its finally getting nicer, like 50 degrees. Thats nice weather for us. So when ever it stops raining and sunshine comes out, we run outside and play for as long as we can.

I can not get over what a big boy my baby is becoming. Where is time going? He's almost 2 and a half! Say what???

Then Oliver is growing up to fast too, at 6 weeks he's almost 12 lbs! Pretty soon my little boys will be running circles around me.

I need a time cork, to stop time.

Woot I did it on a monday!

This week I lost 1.3 lbs

Not to shabby for not truly starting any sort of real work outs and not really starting any diet. I did however decide against starting weight watchers while I'm breastfeeding since it is going so well I really don't want to do anything to mess up my supply. I think just watching what I eat and drink will really help. I might loosely adopt the idea of writing down what I eat. Maybe not so much counting up my "points" at the end of the day, but I do go through phases during the day where I am hungrier and I'm not sure if its cause I'm bored, or actually hungry.

I have my 6 week post partum check up on wednesday. I am very happy to report that even though I had some major baby blues the first 5 days. I have not developed any signs of my post partum anxiety returning or depression. Its a great feeling to realize "Yes I'm tired, but I am still able to get out of bed and do what I need to do today" when I was in the darkness after Carson, we would just stay in bed all day. I was tired but it was emotional exhaustion. Now I'm just physically tired from taking care of the boys. I am not sure what triggered my PPA/PPD with Carson, I can tell you my traumatic birth experience, his inability to gain weight at first and my insecurities as a first time mom did not help.

I do need to keep perspective on my mom-body, I've been down a bit because I feel flabby I haven't toned back up yet but I still look a million times better than I did after having Carson. I've decided to give up the notion that I won't buy myself any clothes until I reach my goal. My wardrobe is a sad shell of an adorable maternity wardrobe.

I'm thinking about starting another weekly post, Outfit Of The Week? I'm thinking of picking my favorite outfit that week and writing a post about where I got the clothes, how I felt and where I wore them too.  I will also include adorable Carson and Oliver OOTW pictures as well!