Monday, December 31, 2012

Going Green in 2013

As we close up 2012, I am starting to realize we have been moving away from all the gunk we normally clog our life up with.

 Less fast food, more home cooking.

Bigger home, greener heat.

I've been shopping at Trader Joes about once a week for our snacks, wine, beer, milk pasta and sauce. Thats a lot of our "staples" Next week we'll receive our first Organic To You basket. I did a fruit box for our first box for this first order.

 Then we had the big "talk" yesterday. We're trying to Potty Train Carson again (lesigh) I think part of his reluctance to potty train is he is just so damn comfortable in his diapers. I mean, you can pee like 3 times before they really NEED changed. So he's not connecting the dots of going and feeling wet.  When Chris goes back to work, we're going to do cloth training pants that have a water proof shell. Because, well I am not going to run around while carson leaks pee and poo all over my house if I can't get to him fast enough.  I think we're going to do mostly pocket diapers, so we can adjust the absorbency, but keep it as easy and simple as possible.

I'm excited for the New Year and all the exciting things it will bring. I'm competing in a Warrior Challenge in September, I wrote briefly that we are back burnering (is this a word?) any and all plans of a 3rd child until 2014. We might TTC as soon as 2014 rolls around or we might decide that the children we have are simply enough. Right now our world is good and solid and why rock that boat? Also selfishly I want to enjoy some time not being pregnant, or nursing.

I can not wait for 2013 and all the amazing things it will bring! This year I will have a 1 year old and 4 year old. Last year was great but I strive to make every year better than the last.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


On the menu for 2013:

 A very good friend is getting married in April. We'll be leaving our children for the first time for an entire weekend at home with my parents.

I have plans of hiking into hot springs with the boys and camping 1-2 nights and hiking out. I am very excited about this!!

September I'm doing Warrior Dash  this is making me crazy excited. I'm working on training now, I figure 9 months of training will make it so much easier. Little bit at a time.

Not on the Menu: Pregnancy. I made my IUD appointment. No more babies for a while.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


I sit here in the wake of tragedy. Watching the Grinch with my big boy, while baby boy sleeps upstairs. Tucked away. Safe.

Tuesday there was a shooting at a local mall just up the freeway from us. It was "my" mall when we lived in the city. 2 people died, and the shooter killed himself. Tragic. People out shopping for the holidays. Gunned down. My heart broke for the families missing their mommy/wife/sister/daughter/aunt.

But then, tragedy struck agains.

In an elementary school in Connecticut. Kindergarten. 18 children dead. 6 adults killed. 1 cowardly "man" killed himself after ruining so many families, lives and shattering the world of the surviving child.

For me, its so hard to not be reactionary. To say "Well I think I'll just home school. Put my babies in a bubble and keep them here with me, safe" But the truth is, they aren't safe.

I have always struggled with anxiety. I can almost pinpoint the moment in my childhood that my anxiety issues started. It all started with a movie about baby ducks, the mom and daughter were driving home, in the dark and in the rain and they get hit by a semi truck. Killing the mom. As a child I would flip my lid in the rain.

I still can hardly drive in the dark/rain. The darkness creeps into me and I find myself going to my "dark place"

Having children has made my anxiety harder to control. Tragic events like this, well lets just say I've been a terrible crying mess. My grief for those mommies and daddies that will never hold their babies is unimaginable. I look at my own baby and I can't keep it together.

I will pray for the families affected by these tragedies. We will be lighting a candle for the rest of the year for these children. May they find peace in the arms of the Lord.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Playing Catch Up...

We had a totally lazy bones weekend. I mean, I'm sitting here unwashed from saturday and grossing myself out that I'll probably wait until after my run tonight to shower. Hmmm. Gross.

I'm making crock pot potato soup tonight. I totally snagged the recipe from Beth Anne over at Okay, BA! I seriously love her blog and all her southern wit. Plus this soup is to die for and stupid easy.

I've got four loads of laundry to fold and linens in the wash, The Mama is coming up tonight and tomorrow we are BAKING CHRISTMAS COOKIES! I can't wait. I miss my mama and I love that we are having a bake-athon tomorrow!

I am getting our christmas cards out this week. Its only a year to late since I did not bother with Christmas cards last year and then felt like an asshole when cards rolled in. I really need to keep a spreadsheet of everyones addresses.

We have been in our new house over a month, we've all taken a spill down the stairs and thanked our lucky stars they are carpet. We are finally getting over the "My room is scary" with Carson and he's even going upstairs into his room during the day and playing with out us. Oliver transitioned just fine, not even a bought of fussiness over his new digs. I think he does enjoy having so much more space! Which is just great!

I really need to spend some time taking more pictures of out new home with Christmas up, tomorrow while we make cookies will be the perfect opportunity I think.

I snapped some nice shots of my boys yesterday out playing in the yard and a couple from last weekend when we went to the zoo lights.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Perfect Reality Show Idea

Women in Hardware Stores.

Seriously, one of my favorite things to do is go into Home Depot and see how many times I get asked if I need help. I usually have some hilarious reply like "Yeah, but I don't think getting screws will help"  But today I went in for shelf material, so I can get the fucking microwave off my chest freezer.

So I walk into Home Depot and I'm wearing flip flops, jeans and a t-shirt. Cause its 44 degrees and thats not cold, bitches.

So anyway, not 10 steps into Home Depot  (HD from now on) I'm asked 3 times if I need help. I'm like no I'm good. As I get closer to the wood section an employee stops and asks:

 "What can I help you find, you look a little lost."

Well dude, "Well I need wood."

"Um, Ma'am what kind of wood?"

"Flat wood."

::blank stare::

"like for a shelf."

"okay, right this way"

His face was great at Flat Wood.

Well I got some piece of sanded plywood or someshit like that, and I need it cut. Its 24x38 and I needed a 20x24 so I'm like

"just cut it 20x28"

Then I stand there texting the husband being all like "MOTHAFUCKING HUZZZZAA BITCH! I FOUND FLAT WOOD!"

I notice he cut a skinny strip off my board and I'm all like, "what are you doing?"

"well its 20x28 now."

"NOOOOOO I didn't explain that well. I wanted TWO pieces. One 20x24 and one 28x24"

"Oh okay, well do you mind going and grabbing another board?"

Sure no problem, right???  WRONG, That shits heavy and I dropped that fucker right on my foot. So I danced around muttering fuck under my breath and finally got the damn wood in my cart. Only to turn my cart and have that bitch flat wood fall right the fuck out.

I finally got that shit taken care of, then I had to find L brackets.  I found another HD guy and was like "I need brackets. like ones shaped like an L, can you help me?"       ::blank stare:: "Do you mean, L brackets??"

I'm pretty sure he wanted to be like "Bitch are you drunk?"

Awe Home Depot. Good times.