Thursday, November 29, 2012

I'm stuck in this fucking chair

Oliver is so ridiculously odd sometimes. I recently discovered he is like those puppies that people train to not leave the hula hoop and when they are adult dogs they physically can't figure out how to get out of the "Hoop"

After the move my parents gave us a couple of leather chairs that they had in their sitting room. Well a few days ago I plopped Oliver in the chair because I had to run after Carson for a second and I discovered, he doesn't realize he can get out of the chair! OHMYZOMG! Its great, I put a few toys and his sippy in the chair with him and he stays put! He doesn't even get fussy in the chair.  Frickin magical force fields!

I'm stuck in this fucking chair! 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Music for Kids

We spent last Saturday with a friend of ours watching the civil war Duck v. Beaver game. (GO DUCKS!) Well he introduced Carson to the world of the electric guitar. ::swoon:: Carson playing a guitar bigger than himself probably was the cutest thing next to kittens, rainbows, and baby narwhals.

So then sunday night rolls around and I'm all like looking for an activity to keep carson interested for more than 5 minutes and I ask him if he wants to write santa a letter. (draw cause well, he's 3)  He drew 5 pages of guitars, he forgot some important features like strings, but thats besides the point.

Then monday rolls around and we made our way to costco. Of course in the toy section is a freaking kid sized guitar, and my fucking darling knows how to get his way child pipes up with "Mama I want a eeetar, play songs for my mama and for my oliber and my doggy" I just about exploded in costco from the adorable sentence he just uttered.

Pretty much after that its been "santa this and eeetar that"

So like any good santa playing mommy, I've been researching guitars and sizes and amps and shizz.  Santa will deliver on a little boys wish for a eeetar. Thats for sure. :-)

Writers block

I've had some serious writers block in the last month or so. I've totally let the blog go as far as writing. Holidays are busy around here. Chris has a 2 week vacation coming up and his mom and sister are coming to visit right before christmas. He won't go back to work till the new year. I think we might try to tackle potty training the week after christmas and before Chris goes back to work.

We'll see how that goes. HA.

I am trying really hard to keep the weight down, and stay focused on my goal. 155 lbs by 12/31 I think that is doable, its only 6 lbs to go.

Even now I still have major writers block, like I have so many scattered thoughts and no way to coherently write them down.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Its been ages since I wrote anything, and even longer since I wrote anything of value. Its been insane here with moving and holidays and life and just.....blargh.

Some things that have been going on though.

Oliver is getting his top four teeth!
Carson learned to put together puzzles all by himself.
We got our fence up in the back yard and our christmas tree is up in the house.
Carson's room is painted a really nice muted grey color, he's getting a SUPER HERO ROOM!!!
I've been holiday shopping and trying to stick to a decent budget for that. Its hard though. But I have to work on reigning it in. Even if I've gone over budget for everyone so far.
We've been working on presents for the grandma's and papa and Gunty.

Decorating the house during the holidays has been stressing me out so I'm just waiting till after the holidays.

Weight loss is working for me right now. I've been running which is really awesome for me. Since most of the time, if I'm running, you should be to cause something is chasing me. I've lost 11 lbs since I added running into my nightly (ish) routine. Hoping to hit my goal of 150 lbs by the new year.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Holiday Post

I'm super jazzed about Christmas, I know....Thanksgiving and all. But with the move and everything being just SO busy in october, we literally did not do anything for halloween besides take our kids trick or treating. I haven't even been a good blogger.  I have some super cute pictures of the boys trick or treating.

After moving to the new house (yeah that happened FRIDAY!! So excited! I'll have some posts coming up about decorating and art) I am so excited to get out my Christmas boxes...first I have to dig them out. No this excitement does NOT mean I'll be putting stuff up before Thanksgiving. But I am lusting over holiday stuff at Target. It also means I am thinking about presents. Chris' job is back up in the air. It always is, but we don't know whats happening in the new year, so we are trying to be a little less lavish with the boys.  We've spent a LOT of money on just Carson the last 3 years, on top of the normal year round "oh you need this" giving.

So that leads me to searching out ways to be creative AND make sure the boys have a fun christmas morning. How do you do it? I'm thinking we might try the Want, Need, Wear, Read. Approach to gifts this year. Plus a a few toys for each of them.

I mean obviously Oliver won't care, and Carson is such a happy go lucky kid he'll just be happy with a couple new toys as long as some of them are new blocks.

I've got awesome crafts for the boys to do for Grandma's and Papa.

So what are some fun holiday traditions? I already have the boys Christmas Jammies, which I think this year our shelf elf will deliver December 1st. It always feels like such a waste to give Christmas jammies the night before Christmas, they are "outdated" in 2 days.  I am very excited to bring out Greg our elf on the shelf.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

PNW Holiday Blog Party

First of all I want to say THANK YOU! To The Paper Mama. It was such a well run event and so much fun. Good work!

Second of all, I have a joke. A blogger walks into a hotel room with a Midget, a drunk and a Mormon.....What happens?   Oh wait, this isn't a joke, this fucking happened.

I had the best time last night. The event was run flawlessly in the gorgeous down town PDX West Elm store. When I first got there I was really nervous. Its like, meeting celebrities. I also felt like a total stalker for knowing so much about people, and lets face it walking up to someone and being like "ARE YOU MANDY FROM HARPERS HAPPENINGS!!!!" I had to work myself up to that one, because well she might be my girl crush.

I was lucky enough to get to go hang out after the event with Jenn @ PDXMAMA she's also an amazing photographer here in Portland, Ashley @ Ashley EverydayMandy @ Harpers Happening 

You know you're going to get along great with someone when they walk up to you and are like "YOU'RE WEARING MY FUCKING NECKLACE!"  Yeah that happened too. Shannon @ Glass Cast  noticed right away I was wearing my photo pendant. I LOVE it by the way. Perfect gift for christmas for Grandmas.

After the holiday party a group of us (probably 15?) went out to a bar down town and hung out there. This was after I went to the hotel room with the smiggen, the drunk and the mormon ;)

It was so much fun getting to go out with a big group of girls and just have fun and let loose. After the bar we really let loose. We headed out to a club called Dirty. Well it was. I totally felt like I'd stepped into the jersey shore. Its been AGES since I was in a club. But oh man it was so much fun. Everything from the super loud music and stripper poles. I gotta say I even got up there and shook my ass (after a shot of some blue koolaid drink) I don't normally do shots but that was delish.

The end of the night came around 1240 for me because I met the greatest lady she drove us over the the club so I wouldn't have to walk the 9 blocks in the night. She has these darling little twins that also don't sleep real well so we joked we'd be home for the first middle of the night feeding.

Got lost, got home just in time for Oliver's second wake up. Chris was the greatest. He was such a trooper. He had a great time with the boys and was excited I brought home presents.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Probably the most flameful thing I'll ever write

So its no secret I have a potty mouth. I mean, I have really tried. I've tried saying fiddle sticks. Oopsy daisy. But nothing really sinks in like a good ole, for fuck sake!

Its worse in the car and I'm pretty sure I've heard carson in the back seat yell, you goddamn moron.

But with fantasy football in our home and sunday being the day to worship a little pigskin. Well Reggie Bush sucks sometimes (don't hate me) But I found myself yelling "DO YOU HAVE A SANDY VAG??? COME THE FUCK ON!!!!"

Then it really hit home at costco, someone ran into my ankle (thanks lady shoving christmas shit in your cart so high you probably didn't see me) and Carson asked me, "Mama? you got sand in your agina?"


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Last Night

Tonight is our last night in our apartment. I am so excited and sad all at once. Its crazy to think that 25 months ago we moved here, Carson was just a baby, Oliver was just a glimmer of hope in our eyes.

I'm so over all these boxes every where. I can't wait to get into our new place and get it all set up and decorated.