Monday, May 23, 2011

Cycle fucking 9

I have short cycles, so some how 9 cycles have been shoved into 7 months. Suckage.

I am nervous, and I know I really need to make a yearly exam to go see an OB/GYN. I have been having re-occuring yeast infections, which suck donkey balls in itself.

We already have the most perfect little dude, CB. But I feel like our family just isn't complete yet. He needs a sibling. He needs someone to grow up with and know exactly how our family works. He needs someone like my brother and I, someone else who knows how crazy life with us is.

Over all, nothing beats a sibling. And I hate that we can't seem to give it to him.

Cake in a Jar

At first when I heard about this really odd concept of baking cake in a mason jar, and sealing it. I thought; "oooh one more reason not to fit into that bikini I bought for summer" I was not convinced that it would be any better than regular cake.

However, in a house of one cake eating adult. I can't exactly get away with making 1 little thing of cake. Because Mr. C won't eat it, CB doesn't eat cake (at least not a lot) and the dogs cake just seems like a bad idea. So every holiday, I make a cake. I eat half of it over the course of a few days, before I declare how much I ate, I mean hate that cake and frosting and all its goodness.

I remember my mother canning, she would can fish, and goat meat (ew) and preserves for winter. Apple pie filling was always my favorite.

I love to bake, and I'm pretty good at it, I can't cook, but I can bake thats for sure.

Okay. Cake in a jar is the best fucking idea ever. I love it and might need to figure out a way to market these and sell them to local places. I can see this being a really fun "career" hobby. You know, cause I'm crazy like that!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I love to hate....

The weekends. I love saturdays, its usually full of fun things Mr.C and I do with CB and the dogs. Yesterday we bought CB his toddler bed and set it up. Last night went GREAT! He crawled in it, cried, walked to his door, cried. Then when he realized we were not going to come save him we watched in on the video monitor and he got back in his bed and went to sleep.

Around 10:30 we went in to open the door and check on him, he was sound asleep. Half hanging off the bed. It was adorable. We snapped his door open and put him back in his bed properly.

But today...well today is Sunday. Easily my second least favorite day of the week. Monday is the front runner on this. Because we do all our fun stuff on Saturday.  So today is full of laundry, and cleaning.  However today we've been watching movies and just pumping some laundry through. CB has been really good today which is nice, I think he dreads mondays too. 815 comes Waaaaaaaay to early in the morning on monday. I feel like I need a job that is only tuesday-friday.

I'm so glad next weekend is a long weekend.

Yesterday was so fun though. We took CB to the zoo, and out to dinner with friends, put up his new bed, and it was the old navy flip flop event! 10 pairs of new flip flops for summer!!!