Saturday, March 31, 2012

This is why so many teens face unplanned pregnancy

I'm pretty sure most teens are not so irresponsible that they actually CHOOSE not to use protection. But buying condoms has got to be the single most awkward fucking thing on the planet. I went to the grocery store last night and decided I should grab some condoms. Irish twins? No thanks.

So here I am, with Oliver, standing in the middle of the isle. Between Vaginal health products and douches, and condoms, pregnancy tests and lube. Dude, I just stand there. Like holy fuck worst isle ever. I kind of side eye the condoms cause well, I look fucking ridiculous and can not bring myself to actually FACE the condoms and show the world that ZOMG I'm havin' sex y'all. So I slowly extend my hand, still side eyeing and grab a box. TOSS! right in the cart.  Then its like, gotta find lube. No fucking way am I copping up to vaginal dryness. So side eye, BAM grabbed some and in the cart it goes. 

Top that off with buying tooth brushes and wart remover for a plantar wart on the bottom of my foot and I'm all like "Self check out please"

Even as a married adult woman, I couldn't even face the condoms. But I know that the expired ones we have probably aren't gonna cut it. 

Friday, March 30, 2012

I've never done this, and I said I never would...

I've never bought a lottery ticket. Ever. I think its a waste of $$ and generally would rather take the cash I would spend on the tickets and enjoy a coffee. I would have a 1 in 1,700,000 chance of winning. I have a 1 in 1 chance of enjoying my starbucks. See my logic.  But the mega millions or what ever is up to like 540 million, and well I just can't NOT try to win that. 

I don't even know what I would do with all that money:

Pay off the last bit of debt we have.  Fully fund at least 5 college funds. I'd pop 3 more kids out in a heart beat if I knew I could fully fund each ones education. 

I would buy a 20 acre horse farm on this beautiful country road we live near.

 I would buy a condo in florida near the NASA space camp site so my boys could go to space camp all summer and we could swim with dolphins. 

I would buy my parents a house in mexico for them to vacation and give them enough $ to retire NOW comfortably. 

I'd buy my brother a house and give him some seed money to do with what he wants. 

I'd buy my grandparents a condo over looking Mainstreet Disney. My Grandma loves Disney.

 I'd buy Chris' mom a house closer to us and give her enough to have early retirement so our boys could have all their grandparents fully devoted to them. 

I'd make sure Chris' Sister could either move closer, or at least fly over once or twice a month to see the boys. 

I'd have Abby cloned. 

I would fund Childhood cancer research. 

I'd have condo's in my favorite places. 

I would send my husband back to school for his masters and his PhD. 

I would finish my education and go back to work once the boys were in school. 

I'd make sure my closest friends were taken care of. 

I would set up some kind of foundation that every  year has X $ and people could apply for it and it would constantly be changing causes. 

But lets face it, tonight someone else's numbers will be called and we'll just keep on working towards our goals, while smaller and more practical. We'll always be happy. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Review and Giveaway: Smush Tush Cloth Diapers

I must say, when my good friend Katherine asked me if I wanted to try out one of her cloth diapers, I jumped at the chance. Even though we don't have any plans on cloth diapering full time.

Long story short, I cloth diapered Carson for about 3 months and spent an absolute fortune on cloth diapers at a local boutique. I resold most of them but Chris put his foot down and said no to cloth diapering again. haha.

However, Kat was awesome enough to trade me a really adorable Cloth Diaper for some pictures of my dudes wearing it for her new store* and facebook fan page**! I was thrilled to review them for her as well.

I was really impressed that not only are her diapers way cuter than anything on the mass market right now. They are truly the nicest cloth diapers I have ever seen or used. The inside is so soft on little ones tushie, and the outer fabric is absolutely adorable. You won't just find your mothers boring cloth diapers. No safety pins needed. 

Cloth Diapering with Smush Tush on a newborn: 

We tested out the One Size Pocket diaper in "Cars Goin' Round" and I must say it was so easy I just stuffed an insert in and put it on him. We had no leaks and no issues with him getting to wet and not being absorbent enough, and my little guy is quite the little pee-r. When I changed him, I just removed the insert and tossed in the wash. Since Oliver is breastfed I knew it would wash clean. For formula feeding I believe you just have to give poopy cloth diapers a rinse.  It washed up perfect.  
Enjoying Some tummy time with a smushy tushy!

Cloth Diapering on a Toddler with Smush Tush: 

The next day I tested out our Smush Tush one size on Carson. Even though Carson is potty trained I still felt like I should try it out on Carson as well, since he isn't fully potty trained when it comes to poopin' I was a bit nervous he would take the opportunity to poop in this adorable Cloth Diaper. Well, he did. I swished his poop out in the toilet, and tossed it in the wash along with all their other clothes. Since we use homemade detergent that is cloth diaper safe it was no big deal. I thought for sure toddler poop would leave a stain or residue. Nothing! I was so impressed. While Carson was wearing his Smush Tush he told me his bottom had "fluffies" So cute! His opinion was "CARS on my bottom! Oh yeah!" 

Carson Wearing Smush Tush "Cars Goin' Round" OS 

I was highly impressed with the true one size fits most that Katherine's diapers provide. Oliver weighs in at a whopping 10 lbs for a newborn, and Carson weighs in at 29 lbs. Even though Carson is a peanut, there was still plenty of room for him to grow with these cloth diapers. Since they are all made with love and care you know you are getting a quality product. I am so impressed with Katherine's Cloth Diapers I can not wait to see what else she comes up with! I'm personally hoping she makes little swim diapers for this summer.

GIVEAWAY: Click "Read more" To enter!
Follow Smush Tush on FB
Follow Crazy Days and Crazy Nights on FB
Go To Smush Tush on Etsy
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Short letters to the boys


You're already 5 weeks old, I just gotta say its been so much fun so far having you in our family truly makes it feel more complete. You've been an absolute joy. Daddy and I love you tons and so does your big brother. I can't wait to watch you both grow. You look so much like Carson, and yet you don't. You have my chin, you are blonde haired blue eyed (I expect both to change at some point) You are so strong I have a feeling you're going to give Carson's crawling and walking record a run for its money. You're already holding your head up and looking around, I'm spotting a more social smile when you gaze into my eyes. I look at you and I just can't believe that we made the most perfect children. 


Oh my little bug, you have turned out to be the absolute best brother, I am going to take partial credit for you're awesomeness at big brother-ing. But honestly, its all you my love. You are the most caring and sensitive little boy. I need to remember that more when you are being a fart and I scold you. You were such a good "man of the house" last week while daddy was gone. We missed him but it was so nice to get to snuggle you at night, its been a while. :) You behaved really well and were so sweet to your brother. I know we have our on and off days, but my love for you is constant. I know I can be hard on you, but its only because I want you to be great. You are seriously the smartest kid I know. Its ridiculous how fast you pick stuff up, this summer we are going to start working on "pre-school" and finding a fun sport you enjoy and working on it. I love that you enjoy being active, it makes me feel better about letting you watch movies. 

I love every second I spend with you, and your brother. 

Lots and lots of love, 


Stupid Mondays

Maybe I should move "losing the mama muffin" post to another day, cause mondays just suck for us.

I was however down 1.3 lbs from last week! Which is great! I'm excited since I ate a lot of crap while Chris was gone and was pretty lazy. Ha.

Yesterday Carson woke up with a snotty nose and a nasty cough, other wise he seems to be doing fine but I can tell he is under the weather. So far Oliver isn't showing any signs of catching his cold. So thats good.

I'm going to try working out more this week, but until Carson is feeling better we're all on house arrest. I'm trying to work out while Chris is home.

I'm seriously having a love/hate realationship with breastfeeding right now. I love doing it and love that I am able to nurse and pump so easily. I hate that it makes me hungrier than a rabid wolf. I was always able to control myself when I was pregnant. I only ate during meal times and a mid afternoon snack. Now I always want food...constantly. I know my body is just trying to make more than enough food for Oliver, which I appreciate. But COME ON! I did not need 5 pot stickers after I had already had dinner. I didn't need to eat another banana after eating breakfast.

I don't think weight watchers will work for me until I stop nursing so I'm just going to try my hardest to lose weight while watching what I eat but not restricting myself, and exercise. I can't wait for it to get nice so we can go on family walks in the evening.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Weird Traditions....

Its funny how weird shit can become tradition. For instance, I'm home with both boys for the first time over night. But we will partake in a long tradition of having dominos and ice cream for dinner. Chris doesn't travel often for work. Since we've been together he's gone to: San Fran for 1 night (while we were dating), VA Tech for 1 week (while I was pregnant with Carson), Eugene for 2 nights when Carson was 4 months old, and then last December for an award ceremony in Upstate New York :)

He's currently away on his 5th trip, a 2 night trip to Minnesota, did you know thats the Target headquarters? I'm totes jealous, I'd probably have to tour it! :) Last night my mama was here (this isn't the weird ass tradition) it was really nice to have her come and stay and help with the boys, but tonight I get them all to myself. No worry or anxiety, just excitement to get another night of snuggling my boys and having a fort building party in the living room. Maybe we'll "camp" in the living room tonight. But the one thing, that I have always done when Chris is gone, is order in Dominos pizza. I have it delivered and everything. I don't know why, its pretty much junk food at its best. But I love it while Chris is gone. I love cooking and baking, but I am not a fan of cooking/baking just for myself. Now that Carson is older its even more fun, we sit at the coffee table and watch a movie while eating our dominos.

Its such a random tradition but its so fun since we normally don't do dominos unless its a big sport thing, or we're on our own.

Well its time to get back to enjoying my darling children the one night I get them all to myself!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

(This will take place on Mondays)

Its time to lose the mama muffin. I was lucky and worked hard enough during my pregnancy with Oliver to only gain about 24 lbs. I'm not totally sure how to tackle weight loss. Should I make small goals but still have one main goal? Should I  go just by how clothes fit? I should probably stop eating brownies.

I'm not sure about dieting, since I'm breastfeeding it burns a lot of calories. Granted it was never a weight loss trick for me when I nursed Carson. I nursed him for like 17 months and I ended up losing more weight the 3 months after I stopped nursing him than I had trying to lose weight while nursing. Anyone have good luck with weight watchers for breastfeeding?

I think I might go and sign up for weight watchers next week. I think it would be better for me to go every week to a place that holds me accountable and will reward my success with other people.

I hate the fact that I am considered "Overweight" Cause honestly I'm not a stick, but I'm by no means fat.

I'm already pretty active, but I'm going to start adding an actual work out to my day as well. I did 30 minutes of Cardio boot camp yesterday and am going to do it again today. I'm hoping that a combo of cardio and yoga will help me get fit and stay flexible.

So just from pure laziness over the last few weeks and a bit more meals out recently, I am starting my weight loss journey at 167 lbs (fuck I gained 3 lbs in 2 weeks)

Start Weight: 167

One week Goal: 165

Total Goal: 150

::fingers crossed:: Lets do this thing!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

One month in....

We're a month in now and its been an amazing journey....I just can't believe how fast its gone. Carson has done REALLY well, he's not always perfect. Sometimes he's an ornery little snot. But overall, he's just a fabulous big brother!

Oliver is such a sweet easy going baby. He still has his moments where its like whats going on why are you crying....but nothing that we can't handle. I'm so glad he doesn't have colic or reflux. Pretty sure babe #3 will be our "opposite" child. Oh yeah, we're pretty sure we're going to go for #3, our boys have been such joys.  Oliver's neck strength is rather impressive, its amazing to see his little head pop up and be like "hi mommy" when Chris is holding him and I start talking to them. He's also started to roll. Front to back. This is not good. At this rate he'll be crawling at 4 months and walking at 7 months. I'll be dead (tired) to the world by 8 months.

Chris and I have been doing really well with the new family shift, obviously if we already know we want one more. We've been getting pretty into March Madness so thats been a really fun thing for us to do together and with the boys. Our 3 year anniversary is coming up...I need to figure out what we should do. I'm not ready to leave Ollie and I'll probably never be ready to leave Carson again after being away from him for 3 days I'm soaking up being home with them all the time. I missed my first baby sooooo much!

I'm doing really well being home with both boys during the week, on days we get out and do stuff I've finally gotten a groove. Carson in the car first, then ollie then if I needed to take anything with me I run back up stairs and grab it and off we go. I am really tired of how cramped my car feels. I am trying to find a bigger (affordable) SUV or mini van because the size of my car with 2 kids is ridiculous. I always hated the idea of "giving up" my car. Its been a great car, but I'm fucking tired of having to have groceries ride in the front seat with me because I have NO back seat space with 2 car seats, and the stroller is way to heavy to carry up and down the stairs when its needed, not needed. I'll write a post griping about cars later. This is so not supposed to be a rant about my car.

I plan on starting my new work out tomorrow morning. I'm going to get up at 630 am before the boys all get up and do 30 minutes of cardio. I haven't weighed myself since I was 2 weeks post partum and I weighed 164, only + 4 lbs from pre-pregnancy. I'm sure with being so relaxed and low key these last 4 weeks were not good on my body at all. I'm hoping I haven't gained anything.

Overall, life has been going really great. I'm such a lucky mommy!

Friday, March 16, 2012

As a mom of boys this is frightening

I am a part of several parenting forums toddlers, pregnancy and infancy boards. I recently read a post that a little girl at 5 years old was "touched" by another boy in her class. In her privates. Now I don't have daughters so I can't comment on how I would feel if it was my baby girl feeling like a victim. I can only speak for the side that I understand. The fear I would feel as a parent if my son was accused of being a sexual predator at 5 years old. Fucking scary. Especially since I can see Carson is going to think smacking butts is funny.

What if this was one of my babies? Being accused of sexual deviancy? Also seeing how this mother also accused the boys parents of sexually abusing him. I've never claimed to be an expert on kids, I'm not. But doesn't this fall into the "normal" behavior of a non sexually abused child?

Its scary as fuck to think that in 3 years some over reactive bitch could accuse my child of being a pervert. I'm scared for their futures where this is something we have to worry about, and you bet your ass we will be teaching them to NEVER touch below the waist and not to allow other to touch them below the waist either.

I've never looked at the other side, I've always worried what if a creep touches them. Not, what if they don't think about the boundary and it ruins their life at the age of 5. Cause lets face it, 5 year olds can be really stupid and impulsive.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"just you wait"

I hated this phrase when I was pregnant with Carson. I hated it more when I was pregnant with Oliver. It's like I have a child already I know what I'm doing.

But today, well I found myself telling a pregnant first time mama, "just you wait" but unlike all the "just you waits" I received. My "just you wait" was followed by "there is nothing better than being a mom"

The woman in the store who I saw eye balling my shrieking toddler as I tried to get him in the cart, as he arched his back I could sense her gaze. Non jusgemental. Scared. I know that feeling well.

But I hope, my words ring true for her.

"just you wait, there is nothing better than being a mommy" no truer words have I ever spoken.

~~posted from iPhone blogger~~

Monday, March 12, 2012

This is a big 'ol squishy love my hubby post

You've been warned.

I've always known Chris was the man I was supposed to be with, to marry, have children and spend my life with. But it's amazing when he does something so simple it resolidifies that not only did I make the perfect choice for myself. I made the perfect choice for our children.

Two nights ago, he walked into our bedroom after putting Carson to bed in my opinion our room was a mess. Carson had spent a bit of time playing dinosaurs that day.

Well Chris walks in and picks the Dino's off the floor, and gently places each on on the night stand. I watched him put the Dino's away. I would have just piled them by the door to go back to Carson's room in the morning. But not Chris.

He looks at me and says "this is one of my favorite things about being a dad. We have dinosaurs in our bedroom and cars on the bed."

I realized that not only is he the perfect husband, he's the perfect daddy too

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A wedding toast story if I ever heard one

I've started this fun idea for when the boys are old and getting married. I will keep an ongoing list of hilarious shit they do and say and when the time comes for their mama to stand up, and give a toast, well I'll have lots of awesome opening stories to choose from.

We've never made a big deal about our bodies in front of Carson. I've just never worried about it. I knew that the day would come when he realized I was shaped differently and that would be the day that I would start kicking him out of the bathroom when getting out of the shower. Since he usually watches cartoons in our master while I shower and I keep the door open so I can see/hear him and Oliver I was hoping he wouldn't notice the differences so soon. But, he did.

Just FYI "Fishy=Penis"

Like any normal day, I showered and as I was getting out and getting a towel, Carson runs in, points at my lady bits area and yells " Oh NO mama! Fishy Missin!"


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A nice deed for my love

I know that Chris has been stressed a lot lately, work stuff and just adjusting to a new life. He's done great, he's always my rock. But he's also easier to read than a board book. So I always know when something is bugging him. So today I set out to make sure I did something nice for him. I always try to take good care of him (oh shut up, not in a naughty way) things like noticing his daily vitamin was empty, and today I feel like I went a bit above and beyond to bring his mood up. I cleaned the deck, and did this really cool project for his deck garden. We've been saving these soup cans. (sometimes our deck has a lot of "garbage" but I swear all of it has a purpose for reuse) 

So I started this project with 13 soup cans, all different shapes and sizes. 

I drilled holes through the bottoms of the cans with Chris' drill (oh yeah!) that way they have drainage. I am not a garden savvy person but Chris always tells me that drainage is super important. 

I crazy glued hooks from Targets picture hanging section 

Pretty Paint Colors! I ended up doing 3 coats on the cans to get a truly even coating. Trying to paint tin is a pain in the ass
Spray painted and drying. Our whole deck stinks right now. Next time I'll paint them down stairs in front of the apartment of the assholes below us. 

Again with the power tools, I drilled pilot holes into the balcony and screwed in these little hooks. 

And voila ! 

iPhone photo dump

Oh yeah...I'm that mom with the 700$ camera and 912 iPhone are some pics of the boys and a house project I did to surprise chris today

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Oooh Something For the Poochie!

First off I must say, coming home from the hospital to an email from Freshpet was simply an awesome treat.

Usually all I get are junk emails by the hundreds (so not kidding I clear my email 3 or 4 times a day with like 20 junk emails)  So I was really glad when I didn't accidentally delete it and move on. Because the products they had me test...well, simply AMAZING. I'm not just saying this because they sent me free swag for the pampered pooch either. When I say pampered I really am just looking for a nicer way to say spoiled. But because it truly turned out to be an awesome product and we will (slowly - she's old remember) be making the switch to feeding her Freshpet. =)

Thats a pretty serious endorsement from someone thats very into doggy health. Since she's aged leaps and bounds in the last 3 years we've had her. (she was 4 when we got her, then "maybe" 6, the latest estimate from our vet is some where between 10-14 years old.)

I was also highly impressed with their promptness through the whole thing and the business team, gets an A+ for sending me so much literature on the products they sell, the business plan, and information about their partners.

Now for the actual review. Freshpet was awesome enough to send me the nicest freezer bag and apron. (sorry no pics of me in the apron from making the cookies. I just had a baby and look kind of gross)

We were lucky enough to try out both flavors! Peanut butter and Oatmeal and Dog Nation Oatmeal and Cranberry. Abby preferred the Peanut butter and Oatmeal flavor of cookies the most. I don't know if it was the cranberries but she would spit the cranberries out. But you have to keep in mind, she is extremely picky. Her thumbs up for anything is amazing.

As far as the actual process of making the cookies. It was beyond simple. They are even pre-cut to be the perfect size for your poochie! Smaller dogs like Abby might need them broken in half just because she's older and doesn't eat as much anymore. Also knowing that all natural ingredients and "real" foods go into these yummy treats, I had no problem having our two year old give them to Abby, because I know I can trust Freshpet to not have any "weird" gross things that would be potentially harmful to him, or Abby.

Like human cookie dough these need to be refrigerated until baked and last about 14 days after you bake them in an air tight container. I made the "mistake" of making both boxes at once, since Abby doesn't eat much over her normal 3/4 cup of food. Since both boxes have 18 cookies, well lets just say, Abby is looking a wee bit plumper. But we've been making friends at the dog park, I've been passing out cookies and telling everyone about Freshpet ready to bake cookies. I so far have not met a dog that doesn't go totally crazy for these delish cookies!

"Like" Freshpet on Facebook to keep up to date with new products Freshpet Facebook

"Like" us on Facebook to keep up to date with more of our "little" things Crazy Days & Crazy Nights Facebook

Visit Freshpet's website for a full list of products and to see if your local grocery store is carrying them yet.

Abby Gives these cookies 5 stars!

I give these cookies 5 stars for ease of use. Seriously just pop them on a cookie sheet, stick them in the oven....and cookies!

I was sad that my picky dog didn't really like the cranberry cookies, especially now that she's having some "potty" problems I was hoping the whole cranberries would help with her health.

2 weeks

I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since our little Ollie came into our family. It's been a transition for sure. But something that surprised me, I never knew I could love Carson more than I did before Oliver was born. So on top of these new feelings of bursting with love for Oliver, im also bursting with new love for Carson. Some times the amount of love I am feeling is overwhelming and I find myself tearing up.

I also am really glad that so far (knock on wood) I have not began experiencing any signs of post partum depression or anxiety. I was already suffering from anxiety after Carson was born within about a week it was full blown. This time around we are on te watch for any signs to start treatment or therapy. Things I never looked into when I suffered with Carson.

Post partum healing has been interesting, I'm bleeding a lot more this time around but I'm hoping that's a good sign that the other side of my uterus will stay intact and won't develop all the scar tissue that was caused with my first delivery.

Oliver is growing at an amazing rate he's already up to 9lbs 1 oz at his 2 week well check. 21 1/2 inches long! I'm so happy he's such a hungry little guy it's a lot less stressful to have a kid that wants to eat than one that never wanted to nurse.

Carson is doing splendid as a big brother. Im so proud of him and how well he's adjusted.

Chris and I and our relationship has only gotten stronger these last few weeks. He's just been amazing letting me rest, helping me heal. Taking such great care of Carson when he's home and giving me the breaks I need.

Its amazing how different and yet so alike kids can be. Holding on to tiny little Oliver is just amazing and then watching my big boy jump from the coffee table to the couch and laugh hysterically at himself. Amazing.

Something cute I noticed about Oliver, he always has his left hand by his face. Something I did not realize until recently, that is the same hand that he was born with up by his head causing all the "problems" not really problems, but the reason I needed a tiny episiotomy because it was let his shoulder break or cut me. I'm so glad my OB disregarded my "birth plan" of preferring to tear naturally as apposed to being cut. Had we let me "tear" I wouldn't have, his shoulder would have broken. Just a life lesson in being fluid with life in all aspects.

I'm trying not to stress to much, but it seems like things might not be doing so hot for Chris at work right now. Nothing with him, but the company might either be trying to find a partner, or sell it. We aren't sure what that means for us. But at least he's been there almost 5 years. Sure makes me glad we aren't under a mortgage anymore and if things came down to it, we could move so easily (but I'll fucking cry if we have to move less than a year after painting. I fucking love my colors I painted the house!)

But like I said, everything in life just needs to stay in motion. Just gotta go with the flow.