Thursday, May 31, 2012

Little Dude is 3 months

I can't believe he's already 3 months old. 1/4 of a year. I weighed him this morning on the Wii and he was almost 16 lbs. No wonder I get tired carrying him around. I also weight Wonderboy and he was just shy of 30 lbs. I can't believe how big my boys are getting.

Little Dude is getting so advanced, he's already starting to scoot he just can't figure out the arms yet, but pushes until his little face is stuck, and has amazing neck control. He's so social now too, its great. He smiles are everything!

I can't wait to start him on solids. I plan on making all his baby food from scratch. I've been specifically pumping just so I have milk to thin out his food with so he won't need formula in his food.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Blast From the Past Monday! **Fashion Designs**

As a child/pre-teen I really desired being a fashion designer, and I thought I was the shit. 

I don't know if you can make out the prices, but for that straight up pimp coat, $110. 
For the lime green swim suit/ panty set type outfit with one sleeve, $20
For the Christmas muumuu halter dress, $30 
Swim suit has no price, but at least the legs are the same length. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

On Mothers Day, we hiked

We love nature, its so different from when Chris and I first got married and we lived in the city. We loved the city, the restaurants the pubs. But we just were not healthy people back then. 3 years ago for mothers day, had someone asked me to go on a hike I would have laughed at them. During my pregnancy with Carson, I spent a lot of time on the couch. How else do you gain 80lbs ? We ate a lot of fast food (hello 80lbs) Chris was spending 45 minutes each way commuting and I never cooked or packed his lunch. So fast food again.

When we moved out of the city, I never knew the changes it would bring our little family.

3 years later, we hiked 2.5 miles with 2 children through nature trails. We did it not for any real reason besides wanting to get outdoors. Something 3 years ago, would have never happened.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Blast from the past Mondays!

Recently I came across an old diary, a short story, and fashion designs I did as a preteen. I have a lot of hilarious material for us to all get drunk and laugh at. Every Monday I'm going to do blast from the past. It will either be a diary entry, fashion design or an exert from my childhood short story. Complete with adult me commentary.

If you want to participate in making fun of your former self, link up with me and share your story from your blog!

I carried around a briefcase as a teen. Oh yeah. I would keep my fashion designs in know, for client meetings

The Diary. Its gotta Bee on it. All together now, Awe...
And here is page.....1. 

Here is what it says in case you can't read my chicken scratch hand writing. I still write like a serial killer BTW. 

"Dear Diary today I went shopping with my mom, I got a thong we arent telling my dad, Josh got in trouble with a teacher, trixi is so cute she loves her treats. I took a bubble bath, I got some cute Shirts"

So....I'm not sure how old I was when writing this, based off the fact that my mom is buying me thongs (underwear. WTF?) but I'm still young enough that its a secret from my dad. Also this reads like a 5 year old wrote it. But I was not wearing anal floss in Kindergarten...So this will forever remain a mystery. 
Also, my brother was highly impressed he made it into my child hood diary. Trixi is Josh's cat. 

Because this is the first week of doing flash backs, I will probably do another one (or two) flashbacks before next monday, just cause they are to fucking hilarious not to share. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

I love this day, not because I'm the center of attention, but because I LOVE being my kids Mama

Happy Mothers day, to the Mama's, to the Mamas-that-be, and to the someday-mamas. Have a happy day good ladies!

Friday, May 11, 2012


Linking Up this week for InstaFriday

life rearranged

My daddy took pitty on my this weekend after celebrating Five de Mayo to hard (saw that on a sign on our way to my folks) 

My Boys love playing together

I re-arranged our house so wonderboy could have his kitchen next to mine

Oliver playing trains! He actually grabbed a toy for the first time

After bath handsome

Wonderboy loves the baby swing 

Surrounded by coffee....mamas got a habbit

First "dinner" time for Little dude

Carson showing him the ropes

Nap time in his crib

Feeling hot for sunshine!

Carson made us dinner! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Houston, we've got a problem...

I always thought this would be the easier part of having boys, self exploration is not my game. I don't have a penis and I am not talking to them about it. I just figured we'd have a few more years before we'd have to be like "Wonderboy, we don't sit on Mama's couch and tug on our penis.....especially while watching Puss and Boots....come on dude."

How do I tell him that its not appropriate in public, in the living room, in our room. With out shaming him or making him feel like its "bad" I don't think its bad, he's not doing it for sexual pleasure at this stage he's just exploring his body and now that he's in undies all the time he's always got his hand down his pants.

I'm just kind of at a loss for words, I don't know how to correct this with out making him feel badly and he's going through this super emotional phase right now. Any advice? right now we're just going to ride it out and hope he stops soon.