Monday, October 15, 2012

A sickness has over come our home....

Its called Fantasy Football and oh man, I've got the fever.

If you've never seen The League  you need to go to your netflix queue and ad it, right meow.   ;) Seriously. Go watch it and then get back to me, if it doesn't make you want to ditch your lame friends and find friends with biting humor, and a solid common interest. Well you have better friends than we did.

Chris came home from Philly in August and had watched a few episodes with his friends. I saw maybe 3 or 4 episodes before I stated that we HAD to do Fantasy Football this year. The next morning, I'd created a league and instructed the husband to find me some people to play.

We settled on an 8 man league, small. We have a lot of different skill levels. Me? I know a lot about fantasy, and only really enjoy watching football I don't really "get" it.  Then we have guys that are already in 2-3 leagues, guys who do this multiple years.

Shockingly enough. I'm actually doing pretty well in our league. I read the Fantasy Footballs FOR DUMMIES book. Hilarious and very well written. Easy to follow.

Its crazy how intense it can get and I actually feel like we're getting closer with our friends in the league. Its nice.  We don't have a lot of close friends so its nice to actually learn things and have a "reason" to talk to our friends on the regular.

I get a little intense. I would not be shocked if Carson's favorite new phrase is "Do you have sand in your vagina???"

He's gonna be a cool little dude in kindy.

Happy Mail!

I am so excited for the PNW blogger meet up in a couple weeks. I ordered business cards for meeting all the other wonderful ladies! Is that crazy? I doubt it since we all don't want to be writing down our URLs all night.

In this crazy move, getting something exciting in the mail was great. I ordered from Vistaprint and am very happy with my order. Plus OWLS! So cute! Nice quality too.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mr. Bubbles

Carson has been asking for a Fish for a while. Probably the last 6 months. Every time we'd go to Grandma and Papa's house he'd ask to bring home one of their pond fish. Well that shit wasn't happening.  Giant goldfish are not exactly a pretty house pet.

So with his BIG (3rd) birthday rolling around the corner. I took him to petsmart and we had a super fun afternoon picking out a tank, and a plant and of course....A FISH! When I asked him what the fishes name was, he proclaimed BUBBLES!

So here is Mr. Bubbles

Monday, October 8, 2012

The 411 on whats happening

We are MOVING! November 2nd is our official "get the keys to our new digs" move in day! AAAH thats like, 25 days away. Yeah I had a mini panic attack thinking about that. We are currently painting like crazy people, and packing weird knick knacks into boxes.

Chris has been awesome, and so supportive of how freaking freaked out I've been. I'm also a little sad. Even though we are so excited to move, this has been Carson's home, and the place we brought Oliver home too. Its been our perfect little apartment. But I am SO ready, we have a YARD! and a garage, 2 levels so we can put the boys to bed and watch TV in our living room for the first time in over 2 years.

I'll have a bunch of update pictures and a bunch of "How to get your deposit back" lol. Even if you paint your entire fucking lovely apartment, dark blue, green, orange, yellow, grey and teal.

I'm seeing just how OCD my hubby is, he is making sure this place is even nicer than when we found it. We put a 1,050$ deposit down. The goal is to get 750$ back.

Lets see how we do! Pictures to come!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Blogging Events

I am so excited since I totally missed the boat for the summer PNW blogger party! But I've been stalking keeping tabs on The Paper Mama waiting for this meetup to go live so I could buy my ticket.

Yeah, I'm super excited! I can't hardly stand it. To actually be in a room with people whose lives I "know" through their words and their photos. I'm hoping to get to actually know them on a more personal level.

Now I have about a month to agonize over what I will wear, how I will do my hair, and if I want to attempt ombre nails (with my luck they will be out of style as soon as I perfect it)

Gotta work on not being so socially awkward though. Thats the first step. I need to work on walking up to people and talking. Not rambling like a crazy person.

Hope to see some of my favorites. Like PDX Jenn! and Mandy from the Haps, and maybe even Ashlet!

Can't wait!

Monday, October 1, 2012


2 weeks ago


I might have gained .9 lbs this week, and that was depressing since I've been watching my food, and working out often. But there is a noticeable difference in the last 2 weeks with how I look. 3 weeks till great wolf hopefully I can keep this up and look fab on our trip!

ETA: The Wii is stupid. I was 173 this morning, so I've in total lost 4 lbs since I started.